
by Ken Ham on November 5, 2006

The following headline was featured Sunday morning (November 5) on Fox News Television: “Japanese Researchers Find Dolphin with Remains of Legs.” The reporters on the Fox News channel were surprised to find that this story was even more popular than the news that the guilty verdict concerning Saddam Hussein had been handed down. One news reporter said, “I can’t believe a story about a dolphin with legs beat out Saddam’s verdict!”

Dr. David Menton and I got together Sunday morning (between church and lunch) to write an article concerning this headline news story, and our web team had it up within hours of the story breaking across the country. You can read our article at: Dolphin Found with “Remains of Legs.”


My blog that I wrote last night featured an item concerning our Alaskan cruise next year. Dr. Crandall had reported that 150 had already signed up for this cruise and that one particular group of cabins had already sold out. Not long after my blog appeared, Dr. Crandall sent me an email saying the number had risen to 154, and I suspect it has risen more since then. So don’t miss out—book the Alaskan cruise with Dave Crandall, his wife Diana, me and my wife Mally.


This is an exciting report about how 10 people have been saved as a result of a meeting I spoke at in Leicester, England, a year ago. Dr. Monty White, CEO of AiG–UK sent this:

Seven years ago next March, you spoke at a church in Leicester. A pastor from a different church persuaded a couple to attend. This couple never attended church—they had a connection with church as they sent their four children to Sunday school and youth clubs. After they attended your meeting, the husband started to talk to the pastor who had persuaded him to attend your meeting and within a few weeks he got converted. A few months later his wife got converted.

Since that time, the couple’s four children have got saved, as well as the wife’s mother and father, and the husband’s sister and brother-in-law. That’s a total of 10. The husband is training for the ministry and the wife now works for a Christian ministry.

The angels in heaven rejoice, and we at AiG rejoice.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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