“I Just Love Genesis of a Legacy

by Ken Ham on October 16, 2006

One of our customer service staff members was told the following by a customer:

I just love Genesis of a Legacy, I wish I had it sooner for my little girl who is now 12 . . . . We teach a class on marriage and this is perfect for our needs.

Genesis of a Legacy is one of our new books that teaches parents how to raise Godly children in a secular world. Our curriculum staff also produced a parenting curriculum to go with this.

Floating Bridge

I thought you would enjoy seeing this photograph of our floating bridge (part of the nature trail exhibit) with the Creation Museum in the background.


Famous (Evolutionary) Physicist to Appear in Movie

You may be interested to know that Stephen Hawking (author of best seller A Brief History Of Time) will appear in a movie that will also feature the Big Bang! A news report stated:

Acclaimed British physicist Stephen Hawking will reportedly trade in scientific journals for the big screen by starring in a movie.

The film, "Beyond the Horizon," aims to explain some of the complicated theories backed by Hawking and his fellow physicists, including the idea that space has up to 11 dimensions and the cause of the big bang.

You can read the entire report.

Another Witch School

In yesterday’s report, I included an item about a Witch School that had opened. One of our staff today sent me this note:

This is not the first school to open in the US that is Wicca/Witchcraft-oriented. There is Cherry Hill Seminary in Vermont: http://www.cherryhillseminary.org/index.html.

It focuses on various forms of paganism where Wicca (witchcraft) is considered a denomination of paganism. One quote states: Because the Seminary serves a wide variety of denominations (Wicca, Druidry, and Pagan in all their various traditions), all of the Seminary's denominational study and Ministry skills courses are designed to be either denominationally and "tradition" neutral or to provide a wide spectrum of thought and belief, even though they may often be contradictory.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your prayers for AiG.


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