Creation resources to go to Burma

by Ken Ham on October 6, 2006

When Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG Worldwide, was in Thailand, he gave creation books to a pastor from Burma (also known as Myanmar). Keep in mind that Burma is a communist Country and very closed to the gospel.

It was thrill to receive this communication from BURMA today:

I met you in Chiangmai Resort Hotel in March 2005 where we have the ABTS Triennial Conference is held. And you gave me two books on Creation and Genesis. I am a pastor as well as the General Secretary of the Evangelical Baptist Conference in Myanmar. We have 100 local churches and 80 fulltime workers. I am also teaching in a Seminary in Yangon (Faith Baptist Theological Seminary) which has 80 students in the Academic year. We also have five Bible schools of like faith and practice in the whole country which has altogether over 400 students.

So would [please send me your TWO BOOKS [AiG CREATION BOOKS] for each of us. I have one option and that is with this big number of books postages and handling of the packets. If you allow us to print in Yangon with the offset printing press would cost us much less than sending from the States. The Lord has provided an offset printing press through Dr. Jay Walsh and Dr. Wendell Kempton. I am proposing these books to print in Yangon and just pay for small expenses of it. I would cost us just average $1.50 each, and we can print as much as we need for all the students and others as well. And we can distribute to the whole country of Myanmar.

We so praise the Lord for the impact Dr Dave. Crandall is making around the world. This is just ONE of many many translation/printing projects that Dave has organized since setting up AiG’s Worldwide outreach.


By the time you read this, I should be home (or nearly home) from Canada. At the program Friday night, I had a 15 year old boy come up to me (and he seemed rather emotional) with his father to tell me how much he enjoyed my talk—he really emphasized how much this meant to him. I had many others thank me for the information, etc. One man of 92 years old talked to me for quite a long time, but he would not listen. He said he has never been a willful sinner and that he doesn’t need to be born again but he has always been righteous in God’s eyes and thus is going to Heaven. I talked and talked with him, but he would not listen. I did get his address and will send something to him. We need to pray for him.

We sold out of many items here in Canada—a shame really because so many wanted specific titles and we just didn’t have enough. Even our large discounted library packs were sold out, and a tremendous number of DVD’s were purchased. Lots of people signed up for the newsletter and to get more information about the Creation Museum. I do believe we’ll see a lot of Canadians coming to the Creation Museum. We pray it has a big impact on them as this country is so unchurched. So much need in Canada for people to preach the authority of God’s Word. Pray for Canada.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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