Learning how to "de-greekize" in Canada

by Ken Ham on October 5, 2006

On Thursday afternoon in Winnipeg, I gave a talk on creation evangelism. Using “Greeks” and “Jews” as types (based on Acts 2 and Acts 17 approaches to presenting the gospel), I explained how the culture today was more like the “Greeks” (Acts 17) and most in the church were also really “Greek” in their thinking and we need to “de-greekize” people’s thinking! I know “de-greekize” is not really a word, but I made it up for the purpose of this talk.

People flocked to the book tables afterward! There was also tremendous interest in Answers magazine. People are hungry to learn how to defend the Christian faith in today’s world, and how to give answers to their children, grandchildren, friends, etc. Many said they can’t wait till the Creation Museum opens. From what I hear up here in Canada, a LOT of Canadians will be coming to the Creation Museum. I also had two young men say they wanted to come down to the Creation Museum as volunteers to help us get it finished. There is an air of excitement about the messages. This has been so encouraging.

I’ve also had a number of requests for speaking at other conferences/churches in Canada. I’m excited, but at the same time, I sigh when this happens—the “harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few.” I’m thrilled people want to invite us, but there are so many invitations across the USA and around the world! We just can’t do them all. That’s one reason why I really encourage people to get the resources—books, DVDs, Answers magazine, etc. The more answers get disseminated through such resources, the more people are reached with the gospel.

One man told me he was a teacher at a Christian school, and he continually sends students to our website. He said they have used the old Ken Ham and Dr. Gary Parker videos filmed in the 80s. He said he wanted to ensure the teens he teaches know they can trust the Bible and defend their faith.


Jim Geurink, head of the Baptist Children’s Home ministry (with outreaches to troubled youth in the US and three other countries), and his wife Donna visited AiG Thursday. Jim spoke to the staff during our devotional and prayer time. He also introduced the staff to his colleague Rev. Abraham Thomas (of Agape Royal Ministries, based in southern India), who assists Jim in finding Christian foster homes for children (and in helping with other outreaches).

Jim is a longtime friend of AiG’s Dr. David Crandall, head of AiG Worldwide. Dr. Crandall is in Italy right now and thus missed a reunion with his friend. Find out more about BCH at baptistchildrenshome.org.


Also on Thursday morning, a volunteer group from Hampton Park Baptist Church in Greenville, SC, joined us for the staff meeting. They have been working on finishing some of the bridges that are being built around our three-acre lake in front of the museum. Hampton Park Church has hosted me as a speaker at least two times, even back to the time when Pastor David Yearick (now semi-retired) was the senior pastor. We deeply appreciate this church’s involvement in the AiG ministry in so many ways.

Well, thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying. One more day in Winnipeg, then back to Kentucky.


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