by Ken Ham

Someone recently asked us if we are still going to have an emphasis on sending speakers throughout the nation and the world once the Creation Museum is open. They thought that as people will be coming to the museum, there wouldn’t be as much need for people to go out and speak! After I calmed myself, I explained that we need more speakers than ever as we ramp up our outreach ministry every year to a new level!

It is true that hundreds of thousands of people are expected to travel to the Creation Museum each year, and there’s no doubt this will have a great influence on people’s lives and, we believe, on the church and culture as well. However, there are still millions and millions and millions of people to reach in America—and billions more in the rest of the world.

The Outreach ministry has always been a major emphasis at AiG. This part of our ministry enable us not only to reach people with the vital creation/gospel message, but also to distribute resources (books, DVDs, curricula, etc.) to them, so they will reach others with the message. Many of these people also subscribe to our magazine and sign up to get our newsletter—they become our prayer and financial supporters.

The more conferences and other speaking engagements we conduct, the more others get excited to speak and spread the message. That is why we have now run two conferences called "Creation College." These are teaching programs designed to train others to be speakers. We are finding more and more people being challenged to have the courage to begin speaking using resources such as our "Presentation Library," which provides thousands of our PowerPoint illustrations for talks.

093006_1.jpg 093006_2.jpg This week at AiG Brian Cataluccia, a United Airlines pilot, came to present a talk he has constructed, with the view to being more active in spreading the AiG message through the church and culture (see photographs of Brian as he made his presentation this week).

Dr. Tommy Mitchell Dr. Tommy Mitchell, who joins our staff full-time next month, is another person who was challenged by AiG messages to move to do speaking (soon to be a full-time speaker) so that many more will hear the vital creation/gospel message. As a result, Tommy now has an award-winning DVD dealing with the "death and suffering" issue.

AiG is hoping to add many more speakers and researchers as time goes on. Yes, the outreach ministry is growing—more people are being influenced.

You see, I look on AiG as being like a giant reservoir. The Lord has enabled us to accumulate a tremendous amount of information and resources and we strive to distribute this information and these resources throughout the culture and the world. I look on speaking, the internet, radio, DVDs, etc. as “tubes” connected to this reservoir, pouring information out. Praise the Lord for all the ways He enables us to do this.

And by the way, if you want an AiG conference or speaking engagement in your area, make sure you let us know so we can add you to our schedule. You can do this at: Request an AiG Event.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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