Accidents don't improve things!

by Ken Ham on September 12, 2006

Well, today Mally tried to see if evolution really does work—she decided (although she claims the car did it on its own) to see if accidental random processes would improve her car this afternoon! The car slid off the road (we had heavy rain most of the day), ran up an embankment and landed on its side! It had to be towed away, so it didn't change into anything better! She called me from inside the car to tell me she couldn't get out! I was less than a mile away at the time. I arrived to find someone pulling her out of the vehicle.

We praise the Lord that Mally walked away without a scratch. It's a reminder we live in a fallen world. The photographs tell it all.

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091206_5.jpgThe AiG staff was privileged today (Tuesday morning) to hear concert pianist Sam Rotman—he is a Beethoven specialist. Not only did he play for the staff (even though we don't have a REAL piano at AiG yet, see photograph), but he gave his testimony. As a Jew, he was brought up to say prayers in Hebrew and obey the Jewish laws, etc. He became a Christian, and now travels the world giving concerts and sharing his testimony. The year he applied to Julliard, he was one of 18 out of the 2,000 pianists who auditioned that were selected to study at the famous college in New York.

We have a number of special guests who will be visiting AiG over the next few days, and speaking to the staff. We praise the Lord for the unique opportunities he gives to all of us at AiG.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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