AiG ministry growing in UK

by Ken Ham

Mike and I arrived home Sunday afternoon. Over the next few days I will include some interesting photos of my quick visit this past week.

Even though the UK is extremely secular, there is a remnant of God's people who are on fire for His Word. After the meeting at Oxford, people lined up to speak with me, and all of them are burdened to get this message out into the culture. Please pray for the UK and the AiG ministry as it continues to grow and disseminate information!

I've included the following photographs for you:

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  1. Part of the Friday evening crowd in Leicester.
  2. The audience in Oxford for the Saturday afternoon and evening (By the way, considering the short notice, the attendance was really phenomenal for the UK).
  3. Monty White (CEO of AiG–UK), me and the pastor of the church who sponsored the Oxford meeting.
  4. I've also included a photograph of the display stand Monty White produced to promote Answers magazine—we received a lot of subscriptions. Even though this has just been introduced in the UK, hundreds of people have already subscribed and subscriptions are growing every day. Please continue to pray for this also.

Monday is the Labor Day holiday in the USA. Our kids (and grandkids) are joining us for the day together.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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