Youth respond to the AiG message

by Ken Ham on August 4, 2006

You have to read these! Dr. Tommy Mitchell sent a compilation of comments he received from his talks at the Youth Conference in Missouri (2,000 have been attending his lectures):

One youth worker this morning said, “Most of these kids are still trying to find themselves. We’re so glad you’re here, because if they don’t get answers to their questions here, they’ll go find the wrong answers elsewhere.”

After the first talk, a youth pastor gathered his entire youth group and brought them specifically to each Answers in Genesis presentation.

A young lady this afternoon came by the table to say she finally understood the truth about dinosaurs and how they fit into the Bible and that Noah’s ark was a real boat that all the animals could fit on. She kept thanking us for coming and saying “Wow!”

A high school boy came by to say that he’d never realized that the Grand Canyon was such a great testimony to the truth of the flood of Noah’s day.

Two young mothers came right over after the morning talk asking for the book The True Story of Noah’s Ark and the Riddle of the Dinosaurs DVD for their children.

A young man told Liz this morning, “Your husband is a very wise man.” A junior-high boy saw the materials and told her, “I went to his talks! He’s funny ... in a good way. He keeps me awake!” giving two thumbs up.

A senior college chemistry major asked for more information about distant starlight, the big bang and radiometric dating. He thanked me for giving him answers for his college professors and colleagues.

A Hmong pastor who runs an overseas outreach ministry to Myanmar came by to find out if Answers in Genesis could possibly make a speaker available over there. (Of course we’re arranging the appropriate contact.)

The third day of the conference was another great day in the Lord. Attendance at the sessions this morning was again about 2,000, and enthusiasm and interest remains high.


A Christian radio station had great things to say about Buddy Davis this week:

I am writing to ask about some getting some of your CD's for give-a-ways for a Back to School project. We receive many requests for your songs here at KJAB. Our younger listeners especially enjoy them. During the school year, we have a kids segment on Monday mornings and your music is always requested and enjoyed. We are putting together a Back to School gift for our "Master's Kids" to win during the next few weeks. Included in the gift will be some school supplies, Answers magazine, a Bible study book and we were wanting to add one of your CD's. Could you send us 5 CD's to use as give-a-ways? any of them would be great. . We still get requests for "Here Kitty, Kitty" and "Mom". Would you be surprised to know that "Mom" is requested most often by a 17 year old young man?

And of course, we will send the CDs.


The AP article has been appearing in news sources across the USA and around the world. Today we saw it in a South African news source: Spot the dinosaur in the Garden of Eden

We also saw the Creation Museum in the Courier-Journal (Kentucky).

The Creation Museum makes headlines around the world—just imagine what will happen when the opening occurs in spring ’07!

On Saturday, Mally and I fly to the East Coast where I will speak for three days at Sandy Cove Conference Center in Maryland.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying. I hope to see some of you at Sandy Cove.


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