"My iron has been sharpened!"

by Ken Ham on July 12, 2006

What a great testimony we received from a Creation College participant today:

May God be praised for the blessing Creation College 2 has been on my life! From registration, booking the flight and paying my "tuition", it was evident that my Creator wanted me to attend. Actually even before attending the conference, the Lord used my "up and coming trip" as a way to open conversations to discuss Christianity and culture issues with many people.

I have seldom returned from men's instruction feeling that I met my Lord in a new way. I had never heard any of the AiG speakers though I was familiar with the ministry and web site. It's hard to describe the joy I have in knowing that God has a remnant serving Him in your ministry. Surely this remnant will grow! The generosity, quality and thought-out manner of materials, instruction, accommodations given was overwhelming. Thank you for allowing God to use you in this way.

Our family is generally on the "giving" end and seldom on the "receiving" end. As I continue my part in this "spiritual battle", I feel better equipped for warfare. It is encouraging to know the many "brothers and sisters" around the world that are standing spiritually in the unity of Christ. My "iron" has been sharpened!! Please remain a ministry with Christ as the focus. Keep on track and please offer Creation College 3. I want to be there!


Today I flew home from the Christian Booksellers Convention in Denver. I've enclosed three photographs showing part of the convention floor with the numerous publishers exhibiting their publications. It is quite an experience to attend one of these conventions, and what a reminder of how blessed America is to have an enormous number of Christian resources available---and yet for all this, America is becoming less Christian every day. AiG is a ministry raised up by the Lord for this time to show the church the foundational problem in this culture. That's why AiG books published by Master Books are so vital in this day and age. Please pray for Master Books as they continue to publish materials that have the potential to be used to turn this culture around if God's people will get back to God's Word as they should.

Today I was interviewed by Moody Radio before I left for the Denver airport.

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On Thursday morning, Dr. Werner Gitt from Germany will be speaking at the chapel time with AiG staff. Dr. Gitt and other creation scientists have been meeting to discuss some scientific issues regarding "information." Out of this intensive discussion time, it is hoped a book will be published and some great material be made available to creationists to answer more questions from evolutionists. Dr. Gitt and the other scientists were extremely impressed with the AiG ministry and the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your prayers.


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