Its not cricket, but ...

by Ken Ham on June 25, 2006


Congratulations to the Horseman baseball team of Northern Kentucky (where AiG is located). They made it all the way to the state finals for the USSSA baseball tournament (level AA---for age 13 and under) held near Bowling Green, Kentucky, over this past hot and muggy weekend. The center fielder for the team is Christopher Looy, son of AiG's CCO Mark Looy. (In the photo, Christopher is in the back row, fourth person from the left.) The Horseman barely lost the final game---they were tied 5-5 going into the last inning. But their #2 finish was still a thrill, since they were seeded 6 (out of 14 teams from all over Kentucky).

Now, aren't you surprised that this Australian knows something about baseball? (But I still prefer cricket.)


AiG's board of directors meets Monday and Tuesday to discuss a number of matters, including some of the latest information on the Creation Museum (opening in April 2007).

Tonight (Sunday evening) the board had a time of fellowship in our home as they ate roast lamb---my favorite Aussie meal! They then toured the Creation Museum to see the construction. I was away Friday speaking at the Columbus homeschool conference and I was amazed at the progress made in just that one day!

AiG's board chairman, Pastor Don Landis, is one of the keynote speakers at this year's Creation College. Between 400 and 500 will participate in this special time of teaching and training for speakers in regard to creation/evolution and Genesis, etc.

Please be in prayer for the board as they meet and pray for the effectiveness of the Creation College program.

Thanks for stopping by.

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