AiG at CHEO in Columbus, OH

by Ken Ham on June 23, 2006


Today (Friday), Mike Riddle and I gave a number of lectures (the keynote and other talks and workshops) at the Christian Home Educators Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Over 3,000 homeschoolers registered for this annual event held in the Convention Center near downtown Columbus.

Both of us received tremendous feedback from the presentations.

I have enclosed a photograph of the AiG exhibit in the Vendor Hall, and one of Mike conducting a workshop.


062306_3.jpg I have included a photograph of the beginnings of the "floating bridge" being constructed as part of the nature trails at the Creation Museum. The landscaping is certainly taking shape!


We get feedback from around the world on a daily basis, and we receive quite a lot from Australia. I thought I would encourage you all with this feedback received from my homeland this past week:

AiG, your resources helped me get through my Biology degree with my Christian integrity intact, and because of this Web site, my understanding of origins science is far greater than any undergraduate that is sticking to the recommended readings.

This became evident in my Astrobiology subject when discussing the Ice Age and why common theories do not explain the increased moisture in the atmosphere, and also in my Australasian Mammals subject when I gave a talk on why Evolution is wrong. Undergraduates are not taught how the radiometric dating methods work and so my class mates were shocked to discover all the unreasonable assumptions made in order to obtain radiometric dates for rocks and fossil material.

So thank you for providing such high quality resources for witnessing... I hope one day to visit the Creation Museum and bring inspiration back for the Australian equivalent.

Mike Riddle and I continue speaking at the CHEO conference on Saturday, then I speak at the graduation service Saturday evening---then home again!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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