Lots happening at AiG

by Ken Ham on June 17, 2006

This morning I spent a couple of hours being interviewed for a TV program being put together by Coral Ridge Ministry (from Dr. D. James Kennedy's church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida). The crew then videotaped a number of items in the Creation Museum under construction. I've enclosed a photograph of the camera crew and producer.

Coral Ridge television crew in action

There have been quite a number of volunteers at the ministry this week. Groups from South Carolina and Ohio came for two weeks to construct three of the bridges as part of the nature trail exhibit. I have enclosed two photographs: one of the group on the bridge over the waterfall and one on the arch bridge under construction. This group hopes to get most of the floating bridge finished (this bridge goes across the lake on the western end). After that, there is only one bridge left to build: the suspension bridge on the south side of the lake.

Group standing on bridgeGroup standing on bridge

My brother-in-law Paul Whincop flew in from Australia today. He is on his way to do mission work in Africa, so he stopped in to see the family and progress on the Creation Museum. I have enclosed a photograph of Paul and myself in the Creation Museum lobby.

Ken and brother-in-law Paul


We have received many positive comments on the new Answers magazine. Here is an interesting testimony we received concerning the magazine:

"While reading the story in the inaugural issue entitled 'Two Fighting Dinosaurs? Buried in sand!' during my train ride on the way to work, a little boy peeked over my seat from behind and asked, 'Hey Mister, where did you get that really cool dinosaur magazine?' I told him it was the very first one and that 'Yeah, it was really cool!' Most gratifying however, was the ability to take the pull-out Kids Section (which 'happened' to be about the same story) and give it to his mother. May she be the first in a long line to receive the truth as a little child from your new magazine."

Thanks for your prayers and thanks for stopping by.


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