AiG and spiritual warfare in Canada

by Ken Ham on March 27, 2006

Dr. Terry Mortenson sent a report from Canada that in a sense could be entitled, “A typical day in the life of a creation speaker battling compromising Christians / Christian colleges and giving answers to a skeptical world.” His report is a must-read (see below)!


The lead article today (Monday) on the AiG website is of Dr. Crandall’s recent visit to Thailand and Cambodia, and his encounters with missionaries from around the world. In this article, we also included a link to the report Dr. Crandall gave to the AiG staff last week: you can’t miss this—it will excite and challenge you. We can hardly believe the doors the Lord is opening for AiG worldwide—it is miraculous. You can read the article at AiG and the 10/40.

Dr. Crandall left today for Israel and then Switzerland.


Today, various AiG staff members gathered at different times throughout the day (see photograph of one such session) to pray (many were also fasting) for various aspects of the AiG ministry. Many of you also joined us from your workplace/home, etc. We continue to pray each day for the needs of this ministry. To help you pray for AiG, please go to our prayer website for the various praise/prayer points.


About 85 people came to the Saturday evening meeting of the Creation Science Association of British Columbia, and most stayed for the Q&A time. An unsaved man in his mid-50s, named John, was introduced to me before my lecture, and he said he brought his notebook and would be the skeptic. After my 1-hour talk and during the 1-hour Q&A time, John asked a series of questions, and he and I talked back and forth.

While I was packing up and talking to some others individually, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that John was talking to the pastor in the lobby. A little later the pastor came to thank me for the lecture and the way that I had responded to John. He said that he and the other pastor had been talking to him for several months, and he felt that this was a very important evening for John. Moments later, John came up just before he left to thank me and say that he had taken notes and had some homework to do and that I had given him a lot to think about. Please offer up a prayer for John to come to faith in Christ soon.

Sunday was a very full day with two talks in the morning in one church (to an adult Sunday school class of six people and then to 125 in the worship service) and two talks in another church in the evening (about 75 people attended) in a town about an hour away. Several people came up to me to say how helpful it had been. One man very vigorously shook my hand and said, “That was just excellent! It was so meaty. We need to hear messages like that from the Old Testament.” All I had done was give my standard talk on why the creation-evolution issue is so important for Christians to be informed about. Another man was one of the seven founders of the university where I have been speaking. When he was told that most of the professors at the university are theistic evolutionists, he was absolutely shocked and sad. He bought the large creation library pack for the Bible school in Siberia that he helped start, which now has 100 students, and he said that he would come to my lectures at the university.

Another man said that although he had previously heard many of the things I spoke about, it was good for him to hear it again to make it sink in deeper and enable him to explain things to others. A man who grew up in Hungary asked me afterward if he could have a copy of my PowerPoint talks so that she can speak on this subject too. I am always glad to share my slides with others to equip them.

Today, I spoke in chapel at the university on why the age of the earth matters. I had to speak really fast to get my message across in 20 minutes. I focused primarily on the issue of no death before the fall. About 300 students came to chapel and one of the creationist math professors told me that this was very good attendance considering that it is very near the end of the semester with papers so and exams around the corner. I stood near the door after chapel, but only two students approached me with comments and questions. Both were clearly not young-earth creationists but seemed challenged by what I said. Only God knows what was going on in the heads of the rest of the students and the professors there (one of which was a biology professor who is a staunch theistic evolutionist).

When I finished, the emcee announced that the next two days in chapel a geology professor and Bible professor on campus would be speaking to give their perspective. The lady who arranged for me to speak on campus had tried for a year to arrange a debate for me with one or two of these professors, but they wouldn’t do it. So there is a stronghold at this university. She is grateful that I was able to make this initial penetration into the university and hopes to bring other creationist speakers to campus in the future.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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