Announcing AiG video on demand

by Ken Ham on March 7, 2006

If you haven't been over to the main website today, you should go! We’ve done something online we’ve never done before. Each Tuesday for the next 24 weeks, our web department is releasing a segment of the most popular video series we have ever produced. The Answers … with Ken Ham 12-part DVD series will soon be available in its entirety, for free. I’ve recorded a short introduction and update for each of the 12 episodes. There is an "Email this to a friend" link on every video page. I really encourage you to use this as a witnessing tool, too! Take a look at AiG Video on Demand.


Demolishing StrongholdsIf you high school / college-age students haven’t yet enrolled for AiG’s unique and powerful "Demolishing Strongholds" conference, there is still time to do so. Tom Miller, Director of Outreach sent this report:

We are excited about the upcoming Demolishing Strongholds conference that will be held March 17–19 at the Higher Ground Conference Center in West Harrison, Indiana. We have individuals and groups of attendees coming from around the country to attend this special conference. Final preparations have been made and we look forward to a special time together. There are several youth groups attending, but we also have a number of families and individuals who have signed up to learn more about defending their faith in an increasingly hostile environment.

As you know, we have several of our top AiG speakers lined up for this conference. We are also pleased to have Bill Jack from Worldview Academy joining us, and Dr. Charles Ware, president of Crossroads Bible College, will lead a dynamic Sunday worship service that will surely energize us as we depart for the mission field (our schools, homes and places of work).

This conference is packed with great teaching, encouragement, wonderful music (courtesy of Christian recording artists "TheBetween"), and opportunities to meet and spend time with other Christians who want to become better suited to stand up for their faith. The weekend is going to be fast-paced and I can promise that no one is going to get bored or doze off! Weather permitting, we will be doing some stargazing on Saturday night with Dr. Jason Lisle and a couple of his larger telescopes. This alone is an amazing opportunity. Jason will educate us on the night skies as he reminds us that the same God who created our universe also knows us and loves us.

We want to encourage anyone who has not already done so to sign up for this conference right away. We have reached our initial desired audience size, but there is always room for more and we won’t turn anyone down who wants to take advantage of this great opportunity.


We praise the Lord of the godly staff He has brought to AiG. This week, we received this feedback concerning our outreach division staff who looked after the AiG conference in Louisiana recently:

We enjoyed having Ken Ham, Jason Lisle, Buddy Davis, and assistants James and Josiah at our church.

Having been with Wal-Mart twelve years, and an integral part of the Wal-Mart staff during the early growth years, 1973-1984, I can appreciate "Great Customer Service." What I saw from the team can be explained as "legendary service!" [The AiG conference coordinators] instilled in the lay volunteers and support staff, "customer satisfaction and legendary service:, right from the beginning training session!...Give [all the staff] an "attaboy" for us.


Tonight (Tuesday) we finished up the conference in Modesto. Enormous quantities of resources were purchased to influence homes and culture! I gave an update on the museum and then spoke on Creation Evangelism. During the break, a long line of people waited to talk to us, and one couple handed me a check for $1,000 for the museum. People were so enthused for this vital ministry.

Dr. Jason Lisle ended the conference with a presentation on astronomy, using pictures of the universe similar to what will be used in the state-of-the-art planetarium that will be part of the Creation Museum.

We have a very early start Wednesday morning (getting up around 4:30 am) to drive to Sacramento, and then fly to Salt Lake City and connect through to Cincinnati.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying!


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