More fossils for the museum

by Ken Ham on January 21, 2006

Tonight, Buddy and Kay Davis, Dr. Menton and I were invited to a home-cooked meal by a family who has donated some first-class fossils to the Creation Museum. Tonight they showed us some more phenomenal specimens that they are going to donate to the Creation Museum for the Flood exhibit. These fossil specimens are fantastic! How we praise the Lord for such people whom he burdens to be a part of the AiG vision. And of course, we appreciated the wonderful home-cooked meal instead of the restaurant variety we usually eat when we’re on the road.


There was a great crowd in the 2,000-seat auditorium again today, and we received tremendous feedback. So many people spoke to Dr. Menton, Buddy and me, asking questions and giving us testimonies about how AiG (and the conference) has so positively affected their lives. It was very touching when a young boy (who told me he was 10) came up and said, “Mr. Ham, can you tell me how I can be better at presenting the gospel to people?” I think this young boy had more of a heart for evangelism than many older people in the church. It was thrilling to meet so many teenagers who thanked us for the conference—there is a generation being raised up standing firm on the authority of God’s Word.

I also did a 26-minute television interview for a Christian TV ministry (they brought all their equipment to the church and set up our break room as their studio). I also had an interview with a newspaper reporter for the Los Angeles Times. She flew out from LA especially for the seminar and attended all the sessions. She interviewed me and some people at the seminar before she left this afternoon—she will be writing an article to appear in the LA Times, and perhaps it will be picked up by other news sources as such articles often are.

We all have to get up early (again!) as Dr. Menton, Buddy and I all have churches to speak at Sunday morning. I speak twice and then I’m off to the airport to hopefully get home in time to attend my own church where a missionary we are supporting is being commissioned.

Thanks for stopping by,


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