On Saturday, November 26, the AiG–UK ministry, under the leadership of Dr. Monty White, held special ceremonies to open their new office in Leicester, England. As part of their celebration, I recorded a message on video that was played to those participating. A transcript of this message was used as our lead article on the website this weekend. If you haven’t read it, I would encourage you to do so and rejoice with AiG–UK in their continued expansion of the Answers in Genesis ministry in UK/Europe: A Special Day for AiG–UK.
Dr. David Menton (AiG speaker/writer) sent a note to our director of outreach about one of the outreach staff who was assigned to assist him while he was out speaking recently. I thought it would be good for you to read what Dr. Menton wrote:
I wanted to share with you how delighted I was to work with Louie Luna at Champaign, IL this past weekend. Louie picked this up on short notice, and no doubt in addition to his normal duties. I don’t think I have ever met a more courteous and more eager-to-please young man. I was impressed with his knowledge of the equipment as well as our book sale operation. As you may know I have a new (for me) projector on loan from AiG and Louie was able to answer every question I had about this complex projector as well as give me a demonstration of its use and capabilities. I do hope that we can hang on to this young man and that he will be allowed to grow with the ministry as his talents permit.
We have such a dedicated staff at AiG, and it is important to recognize them for the work they do.
Recently I wrote a tribute to Dr. Adrian Rogers, who went home to be with the Lord. I received the following feedback:
You and I used very similar words in describing separate contacts with Dr. Adrian Rogers—yours a couple of years ago, and mine over 28 years ago. I thought that very interesting and most reaffirming to me about the man of God he was in all his relationships with others, no matter how great or small that person might be in the world’s eyes. He treated people in a very loving, accepting, and encouraging manner. He did encourage me in my walk with the Lord those two days!
I am not sure how I was introduced to the ministry God has given you, but it seems like I asked to be put on your mailing list sometime November or December 2004. I have really enjoyed watching your work and impact grow in just this past year, and the newsletters and materials purchased have been excellent and very educational for me and my four children.
I appreciate what you are doing and the work of your staff. My prayers are with you!
Thanks for stopping by,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.