Travel Day

by Ken Ham on November 6, 2005

Well today was a travel day---Knoxville to Atlanta, and then Atlanta to Ontario, California (a 4.5 hour flight).

At the Atlanta airport, the pastor of a church recognized me. We were chatting for a while and he told me he has been trying to get me out to his church, which is about 45 minutes north of John MacArthur's church. I told him I was going to be at John MacArthur's church in January, and then Chuck Smith's church in Costa Mesa and that I was considering staying over for the Sunday if there was a suitable church. I told him to call the office on Monday and speak to our Director of Outreach. Because I will be all the way out on the West Coast, it makes sense to speak at this church---he wants me to speak at both Sunday morning services and then do a mini-seminar at night, and they will invite other local churches. I don't believe in chance, so I put meeting this pastor down to providence.


A symposium is being conducted at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln during the first part of November.

The first event of the Scopes Trial Symposium was a lecture by the Rev. Andrew McDonald, senior minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church---where Bryan was a member---titled “Embarrassed to Death? A Theological Conversation with My Friend, William Jennings Bryan.”

The report quoted McDonald:

However, the Bible is not a textbook, and it is not without flaws and inconsistencies, he said. The Bible was written by a host of people for their communities, McDonald said.

The scriptures should not have power over people, he said, and manipulation within religion is all too common. When people are told they will burn in hell, it is manipulation," he said. It is also important to question one’s beliefs," McDonald said. Some beliefs become antiquated and need to be rejected, he said.

You can read the whole report at this link: "The Daily Nebraskan - Symposium to explore evolution, faith". (this site can be slow to load - be patient).

Well, Sunday is a very busy day for me---I speak five times plus a meeting over lunch---it will be a long day.

Thanks for stopping by,


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