Ocean Springs says "Thanks!"

by Ken Ham on October 25, 2005

Today we received a special letter and photographs done up as a book from one of the public schools in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. The teachers and students were specially thanking AiG for the thousands of backpacks and school materials we were able to donate (on behalf of AiG supporters) to the school district.

I have enclosed photographs of the pages and the letter. Who knows what this kindness shown to them will lead to in the future? What a blessing it was to all of us at AiG to be able to participate in this special relief project.


We keep receiving requests from secular media for interviews about the creation/evolution issue, ID, and the Creation Museum. Over the next seven days, I will be interviewed by:

  • A reporter from one of Italy’s leading national newspapers
  • ABC television Australia
  • 60 Minutes television program from Australia
  • A 60 Minutes-type television program from France


Today I spent a couple of hours with our Media and Marketing departmental leaders. I was thrilled to see the number of projects they have in mind for the future—how I praise the Lord for such visionary staff who do not see themselves just as employees but called to make this ministry their lives. We are not lacking vision—just the finances to carry out all the phenomenal projects—but the Lord is the one we look to for that provision. There are almost unbelievably exciting things coming at AiG. I was so encouraged by what is being planned.


The story at this link will shock you: ABC’s Primetime

These young girls need the book One Blood, and they need to get on our OneHumanRace.com website.

Wednesday consists of a whole day of meetings—then Thursday, Mally and I (along with Buddy and Kay Davis and Dr. Dave Menton) head for Schroon Lake, New York, for an AiG family conference at Word of Life. Find out more at this link: Word of Life event.

Thanks for stopping by,


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