Board meetings, bats and more from Boise

by Ken Ham on October 12, 2005


At 8:30 am Wednesday morning, Pastor Don Landis, chairman of the AiG Board of Directors gave his second devotion to the AiG staff. So many commented afterward that they would love to have such a tremendous teaching Pastor like Don at their church. Don is one of the best Bible teachers I’ve ever heard.

Don is also President and one of the Bible teachers of a unique Bible college in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Jackson Hole Bible College: The daughter of one of our VPs is attending the Bible college this year. I recommend you check out this one year program that is different in many ways to any other such program in the US today.


I have enclosed a photograph showing the water that poured out of our broken main on Tuesday. Everything is fixed, so now we have to clean up the mess.


AiG’s board met for the second day meetings today. Many items were discussed as the board and leadership make important decisions for the future of AiG. The board meets for the final day on Thursday. As a finale, the board have sponsored a special dinner for VPs and Directors and their wives.


People continue to email their thoughts to us about the last conference in Boise, ID:

“What a great opportunity it was to attend the AIG conference in Boise. My children were very excited about the time they spent with Buddy Davis and Dr. Menton. They loved the tricks Dr. Menton performed—wow, cutting a sponge in half with his finger!!!!! My daughter remembers the question, ‘Were you there?’ every time we discuss the issues of origins. I appreciated Ken Ham’s sensitivity to our need to pray for Dr. Dawkins’ salvation. The materials available were great. I have been inspired to continue reading in creation materials—and have used the Creation Magazine to supplement our home school education. Thank you for taking the time to share your ministry with us. My family has been stengthened in the faith. Our Lord has been upliftted and exalted as the creator of all that is! Praise His Name.”


Dr. David DeWitt (Professor at Liberty University, one of the few creationist Christian universities is a personal friend and a great friend of AiG. He writes articles for AiG’s website and also speaks for AiG on occasions. He is also a great resource to help us with questions pertaining to his area of expertise. David sent me the following email today:

“I wanted to let you know about an exciting opportunity that I had last night. I was interviewed by Rick Wood, host of ‘AudioMartini,’ a skeptic program that airs in Northern Virginia and Great Britain and is also online. During the hour program on a secular station, I was able to confess Christ, explain that death is the result of Adam’s sin, that God made Adam separately from the other animals, why evolution cannot fit with the Bible etc.

Part of the reason that he wanted a “real creation scientist” was as a foil against ID. I pointed out that there was a good deal of overlap, but also explained some of the differences.

The host, who is an avowed skeptic and atheist used the ‘scientists were able to predict the number of mutations in the chimp genome’ as one of the great successes of evolution and how evolution has provable tenets. I was absolutely thrilled because I said, ‘As a matter of fact, I have looked carefully at that very point and have an article rebutting it that will be on’ and then explained some of the problems. Anyway, he changed the subject. This was so awesome, because God had prepared me to answer that point through the article that Mark Looy asked me to write!

During the program wrap-up, I was also able to give the AiG website when the host asked where people could find more information and my articles or blog.”


As part of the outdoor nature trail teaching program, AiG has constructed a “Bat House.” This week, our Bat Specialists visited the office and gave a program on bats!

Unique things happen almost every day at AiG!!

Thanks for stopping by and remember to keep praying!


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