Grand Canyon—In the News Again

by Ken Ham on October 6, 2005

Grand Canyon—In the News Again

A reporter for the New York Times reports on two Grand Canyon raft trips—one by AiG friend Tom Vail (Tom runs creationist raft trips each year for AiG) through the Grand Canyon and is the author of the book “Grand Canyon A Different View” that humanists tried—and still continue trying—to get banned from the Grand Canyon bookstore), and one by anti-creationist and self-professed atheist Eugenie Scott. To read this extensive evolutionary biased article, go to this link: NY Times: Seeing Creation and Evolution in the Grand Canyon

Emotional Opposition

After the above article appeared in the New York times, creationist Tom Vail started getting interesting feedback—he sent me this email today:

“We were awakened by a phone call this morning at 4:30 am that said, ‘Evolution is real… evolution is real’ and hung up. Paula said ‘What do you think about THAT!’ I just replied, ‘Sounds like we hit a nerve.’”

“We also got this one from our website:

‘There are five things in this world that I am absolutely 110% certain of:

1. Our planet is about 4.5 billion years old.
2. Evolution is science.
3. Creationism is fiction.
4. Intelligent design is delusion.
5. Tom Vail is a moron.
—Charles Darwin’”

Sadly, we receive a lot of “well thought out”, “reasoned” and “logical” opposition like this too! This sort of thing really shows clearly it’s a spiritual issue.

Great Feedback

Someone sent in a comment in regard to the Blog item yesterday entitled “Rocked My World”—it was SO good, I thought I should share this with all of you:

I just read Ken Ham’s blog “Rocked My World”, and took particular note of the woman who thanked Ken and then broke into tears. This made me think of those on the “other side”, who are trying so desperately to suppress the knowledge of God’s truth of creation/redemption.

I wonder how many people come up to evolutionists in tears after they give their presentations, thanking them in joy for helping them get over their belief in God!

The truth is, the evolutionists job is to steal hope (although they would never accept such terms), ours is to provide it.

You should be very proud of what you do! The night and day difference between that woman’s reaction to the information you were able to provide her, vs. the hopeless bleatings of Darwinist dogma tell the real story about which worldview is the most powerful, when received with an open heart.

Praise God from whom such power flows to us, His fragile vessels for reaching the lost. And thank you Ken and company for being His willing vessels in the face of Satan’s flaming arrows!

Atheist "Teaches" Catholic Church a Lesson!

Yesterday, I had a blog entry about the Catholic Church in England, Wales and Scotland that are now telling their churches that not all the Bible (including Genesis 1-11) is accurate etc. Well, on the debate site of Times Online, an atheist wrote this:

As an atheist I am intrigued that the Catholic Church is apparently bowing to reason and discarding some of its central doctrines with regard to Biblical literalism. Hopefully, this may take some of the wind out of the sails of creationists and other fundamentalists, if they are still capable of listening to the voice of moderation. Having been obliged at last to make these concessions, I wonder how much longer it will take for the virgin birth, the divinity of Christ and the resurrection also to be conceded as "symbolic". Then what future for the raison d'�ªtre of the Church itself, except maybe as a charitable institution?

I must admit—I could hardly have said the last two sentences of this quote better myself! The atheist here understands the Bible and Christianity better than these church leaders!

For more debate feedback to this article, see link to: UK Times Online Feedback.

Fantastic Boise Feedback

The leader of the creation group in Boise that hosted the recent AiG conference, sent this email today:

Here are some emails we received today regarding the Boise AiG Conference. I’m sure more will be coming in over the next few days. They were directed to Bob and me, but the “thanks” extend to Ken, Dr. Menton, Buddy and the others as well.

Everyone on the working committee had tears in their eyes after we had our prayer time together and one by one left the facility on the final night. We had bonded closely during the months of planning for the conference and it was hard to believe that it was over so quickly. One little boy (who had attended Buddy’s workshop) said, “Buddy is my hero. I want to grow up to be like him.”

Love In Christ,
Bob and Patty Compton


Thought you’d like to know the following and also please pass this email on to Ken Ham:

My son is enrolled in Idaho Virtual Academy (public school at home) and is taking a Biology course which teaches evolution. Thus, the reason we attended the AiG seminar in the first place. I told his Bio teacher that he had attended a 3-day creation science conference, and she replied “if Zach would like to write a paragraph on what he learned there—I can give him extra credit for his class.” He is thrilled that he has been given a forum to share what he has learned—and is even getting extra credit for it! He is planning out how to best defend what he will share about Creation Science. We’re so glad that we came home armed with good literature purchased from the conference too! Thanks for a totally awesome conference!

Hello, The Boise AiG conference made my year. Thanks for bringing it here to Boise. I was blown away by the content and the reminders of how awsome of a God we do serve. It was truly life changing for me. I was touched that so many people came and got to hear about the Answers that are IN Genesis. I was so blessed to be a small part of the event. Ken’s last segment on tuesday was by far what we all need to hear. It was great. My 9 year old asked if we could read these books at night along with the bible before he goes to bed. Praise God. God Bless and thanks for your Hard work and dedication to The Lord and His Creation.

Hi Bob and Pat,

Good morning. My dogs woke me up, my wife left late for work, my feet hurt, come to think of it my whole body hurts, but what a WONDERFUL feeling this past three days of helping with the conference have been. What a WONDERFUL feeling it is to serve God in this capacity. Thank you, thank you very much for letting me, our family, be involved in this wonderful ministry. What a blessing it was. I had a great time serving God, even at the last minute on certain occasions.

Our son was so excited last night. He had a good class with Buddy Davis, and then he was excited just to help Buddy clean up.

Believe me my boys are going to be taught in the truth. Creation, by God, is the foundation in knowing our Savior, but also in knowing how to defend the faith. In fact, I have decided that I am going to put a poster of a verse on their wall or ceiling. This way the first thing they see, when they wake up or go to bed is God’s word. I am going to put a verse on the wall of their bedroom so that the last thing they see is God's word as they venture out into the world.


Want to say that the Boise conference was great! I wish I’d had an anatomy teacher like Dr. Menton!

Thank you to all who wrote such wonderful encouragement.

Well, I had a busy day of meetings including a lunch for all the leadership (VP’s, Directors and Managers). We were introduced to our new Director of Security—he spoke on the plans for AiG security. I addressed the staff on various issues to encourage them as leaders within the ministry.

Our special friends the Kastans from Israel arrive this afternoon—I spent time showing them through the whole ministry. On Friday morning, they will address the whole staff on the creation ministry in Israel and the response to my recent speaking tour over there. I will put their presentation on my blog Saturday.

Thanks for stopping by,


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