Tour Finale

by Ken Ham on August 5, 2005

Today was the final day in our tour of Israel--and what a finale it was.

The hall was packed with pastors, other Christian leaders, Sabbath (Sunday School) teachers, and others. It was sad that so many had to be turned away because of lack of space--but in Israel, such a meeting of Christian leaders from so many backgrounds is not the norm. The creation ministry crosses lines that many ministries do not. There were some women from a Christian Arab church--normally they would not mix in gatherings like this.

I have attached three photographs:

1. The participants while singing "How Great Thou Art" in Hebrew, just before I got up with the translator to do the final session. (By the way, there was also simultaneous translation into Russian for the whole day.) It was a "spine tingling" experience to listen to these Christians sing this Hymn! (You can see Mally sitting on the front row--she wasn't singing, as she didn't know the words in Hebrew!)

2. A photograph of Eitan holding up the three creation books that have been translated into Hebrew--what a vision Eitan and his wife Orit have--many in America could learn from their drive, vision and dedication. The church here is small (less than 1/10th of one per-cent of the population), but Eitan and Orit want this growing 1st generation church to get the right foundation--they understand the vital importance of the creation message! What an example they are to the rest of the world.

3. A close-up photo of my book "The Lie" that was translated into Hebrew for this tour. I really like the creativity in what the graphic artist did for the cover!


We had so much positive feedback--and some that greatly burdened us.

a. A man and woman from the Russian community came and said something like, "we need this material in Russian for our children--how can we do this--we don't have the answers--we need the answers for them--how can we get this, it is so needed for the children." I am talking with Eitan with some ideas for helping this happen.

b. A lady said, "I don't speak good English--but I learned something important--Christians all have on the same glasses based on the Bible--so it doesn't matter if you are Jew, Arab, American or Australian--Christians should all have on the same glasses and look at each other and the world the same way."

c. Many came and said they never had the answers they needed until today. One lady said she'd never understood why Genesis was important--now she understands and realizes she needs answers for her children.

d. Another lady said she thought she was training her children the right way but today realized she didn't have the right answers to the questions her children were asking her because of what they are taught in school--how can she get material for her children?

e. A teacher stood up and said something like (he said it in Hebrew), "I have been a biology teacher for 25 years--Ken Ham is right about what he says is happening in the schools--the children are being brainwashed into believing evolution--you need to understand they are being taught to not believe the Bible--more and more students are now rejecting belief in God totally because of what they are taught in school--I see it as a teacher in the schools."

f. Quite a number commented that it really hit them about the way most churches are only teaching "Bible stories" and not teaching the Bible as real history and that the Bible gives the answers to the world's false history of millions of years and evolution--some are talking about educating their teachers and changing the way they do things in regard to what is taught at church, etc.

You know, America (and other English speaking countries) have so much -- we have so much material available, and the sad thing is so many Christian leaders in America aren't interested, or say Genesis is not important, or compromise with evolution/millions of years.

Yet here in Israel, the Christian church is so small (0.1% of the population) and they are PLEADING for material in Hebrew and Russian so they won't lose the next generation. Please pray we can help them--we intend in doing what we can with God's help and the support of God's people.

Pray for the church in Israel!

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Be home soon! Ken

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