Mega Conference Day 4

by Ken Ham on July 21, 2005


Today was a special day in many ways. I was so touched by all the testimonies I received. One lady told me her missionary relative in Slovakia communicated with her about the MEGA conference and told her to come—she was so thankful she came. But rather than give a summary of the numerous testimonies, I thought I would share the following with you. Someone handed me a note—after I read it, I decided to type it out and share it with you because in many ways it sums up what this conference has been all about:

"Dear Mr. Ham & Staff, Speakers and Volunteers,

As my husband and I consider what we've experienced this week, I felt the best way to say 'thank you' is to write a short note. To try to say it in person would take up too much of your time, which is better spent continuing doing the Lord's work.

We would like to say that the integrity of AiG is stellar. To see you, the speakers, all your families and staff maintain such an honest and open attitude is refreshing. The humility of everyone is obvious. No one acted un-Christlike in any way.

What impressed us throughout the week was your concern for souls to be won to the Lord—not for us to get facts for facts sake. With that foundation firmly established, we leave the conference with a renewed enthusiasm to share our faith, and build our local church. Our feeling is that even if only one soul is saved from our coming this week then it was time well spent. But actually we are certain that many will be saved and more strengthened, thanks to your work. Not only has coming this week strengthened our own faith, it also strengthened our marriage. We can't explain it fully, we fell it is a work of the Holy Spirit. We both feel this would not have happened had we not spent this incredible week at the conference.

In closing, we will continue to partner with AiG (as long as your focus remains on Christ and introducing others to Him). We look forward to the opening of the Creation Museum and pray one day we can volunteer at AiG.

May God continue to bless you till He comes."


Tomorrow the MEGA conference comes to an end—but really, I see it as a "beginning." For many people at the conference, they shared this is a "beginning" for them to be fired up for the Lord like never before to share the truth of God's Word concerning creation and the gospel with as many as they can.


The photograph is of our Wednesday through Friday devotional speaker, Dr. Charles Ware. He is one of the most dynamic speakers I have ever heard. People have been so blessed. What a challenge he brings each of us. If you've never heard Dr. Ware (who is President of Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis), I urge you to purchase his DVD entitled, "It doesn't take a PhD."

drware.jpg Ken

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