One of the first people I met yesterday as we walked into the Vines center at Liberty where the MEGA conference is being held, was a woman who said she was converted after watching AiG videos. She said she was working hard now to get AiG teaching into her church.
A man I met told me he had purchased a screen and projector for the express purpose of showing AiG videos in churches in his area. He had also purchased a few thousand dollars worth of creation books that he could either give away or sell (and put all profits back into his local ministry).
I met a number of people who said they were showing the AiG videos in their churches. A number of them said the people in the church were hungry for the information but their leadership didn't see the importance of it all. Of course I told them about our new "Answers Academy" curriculum they could now use.
One man told me he came to learn as much as he could—he said the elders and pastor just didn't understand why he saw this area as so important—he said they just "put their head in the sand" concerning what is happening in the culture and in regards to young people who are walking away from the church. He is praying that he will be able to convince them to allow him to get AiG videos etc into the church
Thanks for praying--and praise the Lord for what He is doing through AiG.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.