An Update from AiG's Dr. Terry Mortenson

by Ken Ham on April 21, 2005

A few weeks ago, Dr. Terry Mortenson and Buddy and Kay Davis visited Owosso, MI. The following is an exerpt from his journal.

It was a great time in Owosso. The pastors of the the host church were very keen to have Buddy Davis and me there, having heard Ken Ham about 10 years ago.

On Sunday I spoke three times in the morning. A number of people came up to me after the talks to ask questions. One mother of a 6 year old and a 10 year old told me that she was now getting a college education at a local private college and was taking a course on environmental science, which as expected, is taught from a strong evolutionary perspective. She said she has to write a paper and is feeling overwhelmed (not being very science oriented). She believes the Bible but didn’t know how to deal with “the science.” Then a freshman at Michigan State Univ. majoring in forensic science came up and told me she is taking a general science class and that she was the only creationist in a class of 30, with a pretty aggressive professor. I was able to direct both of them to some literature on our book table and on our web site to help them write their papers.

A man told me that the information I presented was “exactly what I have been searching for most of my life.” He said he grew up attending church but left partly because nobody would answer his questions, but instead just told him “to believe.” Recently, he had come to faith in Christ through the pastor of this church.

With tears in his eyes another man told the assistant pastor, “I never realized that you can’t fit millions of years with the Bible. It hit me like a ton of bricks.” The pastor said, “Yeah, it hit me that way a number of years ago too.” The man replied, “I’m not the only one. I know a half dozen other members of this church that said the same thing to me today.”

Several men who had brought their families from some distance away said that they had been at previous AiG seminars and as a result of that and reading or watching some of the AiG resources their lives had been significantly changed and equipped to teach their families. They profusely thanked me for the AiG ministry.

Praise the Lord for what He did through weak vessels like Buddy and me and for what He will do in the future through future outreaches that the pastors and Gordon (event coordinator) are thinking about organizing. Please offer up a prayer about those plans and for the two ladies who have papers to write for their evolutionary professors.

Every time we go and speak somewhere, people approach us with stories just like these. God is at work in the hearts and minds of people! Wow!

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Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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