God’s Little Green Machines

by John Collyer on June 1, 1994

Originally published in Creation 16, no 3 (June 1994): 26-27.

God’s little green machines all run on solar power. Long before man discovered how to harness solar power, the Creator had installed miniature ‘solar panels’ in every green leaf.

We sow a seed. The seed is programmed to remain dormant until water and warmth are available. With moisture the stored food in the seed becomes soluble and growth begins.

First, little roots go down seeking more water. Then little leaves come up searching for light and air, exposing their surfaces at right angles to the sun. Another of God’s little green machines has come to life, instructed by the miniature program within it.

The leaves expand, and expose their solar panels to the light for energy to power the chemical factories within each leaf that marvelously combine air and water to form sugars. This amazing process has been taking place ever since the Creator said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding see, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself’ (Genesis 1:11)

In this incredible process called photosynthesis, solar energy is used to manufacture chemicals, whereby sunlight falls on the green cells in the leaf, empowering them to make such chemical changes as splitting molecules of water into their components oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is released into the air for us to breath, while the hydrogen is used in the making of sugars as it is combined with carbon dioxide from the air.

This whole wonderful process (infinitely more complex than this simple explanation) is being performed while ever the sun shines, all over the world, by countless numbers of God’s little green machines. It has proved to be beyond the ability of the most skillful scientists to replicate. They, and we, marvel, at the wonder of it, and if we are wise, learn the lesson that it teaches.

This process, the basis of all our food supply, was created before any animals were placed on earth, and is evidence of the practical loving care of the Creator for His creatures. His ‘green machines’ are a universal reminder of the fact of divine creation, and that day three, when plants were created, was quickly followed by day four when the sun took over the task of providing energy for God’s plants.


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