Starlight and Time in Your Classroom!

on October 14, 2002
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have used Dr. Humphreys’ book, Starlight and Time, in a class called ‘Current Issues in Science’, a part of our general education requirements.

For the second year, I have used Dr. Humphreys’ book, Starlight and Time, in a class called ‘Current Issues in Science’, a part of our general education requirements. I supplement the book with a couple of ICR articles and a Wall St. Journal article which talks about the constant changes needed to the Big Bang theory.

The predominantly Christian student body found this very enlightening. Some comments were more detailed, but two show the feeling:

  1. The book, Starlight and Time is the most interesting thing we have covered in class so far. It is astounding to read a book that talks about the creation of the universe not only using what we’ve learned but what is taught in the Bible. Now, as I sit and gaze at the night sky, its beauty takes on a different meaning.

  2. I was really struggling with reconciling the evidence that pointed to an ancient earth (with evidence of stars billions of light years away) with my religious beliefs, that is, the fundamental belief that the earth is only a few thousand years old and was created in 7 days. Huphreys’ young creation theory was helpful and quite easy for me to follow and accept, especially because he carefully implemented Scriptural references which were not manipulated but complementary to scientific fact.

  3. I found the book, Starlight and Time, the most interesting. I was particularly interested in the topic discussed in Appendix B (Biblical basis). I have always been interested in the issue of science vs. religion. I enjoyed his explanation that science and religion are not competing views, but go hand in hand.

Others commented on how they always found the Big Bang theory disturbing, but did not know what to do with it. One student’s favority reading was the ICR Impact, ‘The Battle for the Center’ [based on the TJ article ‘Our Galaxy is the Center of the Universe’ (see /2002/TJv16n2_CENTRE.pdf) — Ed.] because of its faith building effect.

Earl M. Rodd

Canton, OH



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