April–June 2023

April–June 2023

Gap theorists insert millions of years between the first two verses of Genesis. But what really lurks in that gap?


  • March 19, 2023, pp. 36–42

    Electric cars are parked at the center of a charged debate. How can you know when and whether to buy in?

  • April 1, 2023, pp. 44–51

    Beavers expertly engineer our waterways and landscapes—but can we work together to better steward God’s creation?

  • March 12, 2023, pp. 54–58

    Gap theorists insert millions of years between the first two verses of Genesis. But what really lurks in that gap?

  • April 1, 2023, pp. 60–66

    Life with adopted and foster siblings brought the author close to the brokenness of a fallen world—and to part of God’s plan to help redeem that brokenness.

The Masters University Cedarville University Pensacola Christian College




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