Fear of environmental catastrophe grows out of the lack of the fear of God. That is the real root of the environmental scares that have plagued the modern world.
Phil Johnson will be speaking at the upcoming Answers for Women conference. What he shared with me about his upcoming talk will be a blessing to all our readers.
Our bodies can do some pretty embarrassing things, and we can’t always stop them.
It’s been a hard year from a news perspective These headlines make many people ask, “Where’s God in a world of so much death, disease, and suffering?”
We rely on our sight more than any other sense to help us interpret the world.
I will address the question of whether the universe really is as big as is often claimed. The short answer is, yes, the universe most certainly is that large.
What’s happening is so evil. It motivated us to come up with a plan to help reach more kids by allowing children 10 and under into our attractions for free.
Evangelicals typically balk at human authorities who ignore God’s Word. Now some Old Testament scholars are effectively denying the clarity of Scripture.
Nearly every culture around the world has a legend regarding creation and a worldwide flood. How do these legends compare to the Biblical accounts in Genesis?
Vultures are possibly the creepiest birds on the planet. But there is a beautiful design behind this yellow-headed vulture.
Are temperature changes a serious threat to our way of life?
Many parents run from conference to conference looking for the secret to successful parenting. Sometimes they forget another risk: stale marriage.
What’s happening in the night sky with Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Perseid Meteor Shower in 2020.
Forensic clues do not always lead to an open and closed case.
Today, Christmas Day, we celebrate the Incarnation. You’ve likely heard that message many times, but don’t let the wonder of the gospel escape you.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.