Ken and Mally’s top 10 (plus a few) favorite resources available in our bookstore (in no particular order).
See Ken’s insight below as to why they are his and Mally’s favorites.
Cribbage Game: Ark Edition
My favorite game is cribbage, and I wanted a deluxe-edition board, so I actually commissioned the AiG Design team to build a cribbage board with an Ark Encounter theme. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. This is a beautifully designed all-wood board with 4-tracks, which swivels to allow storage of cards and pegs underneath (that way you won’t end up with missing pieces and cards). The game comes with a deck of Ark Edition playing cards and 40 pegs.
Playing Cards: Ark Edition
The design of these beautiful Ark Edition Playing Cards features Noah and his family. While I like to use these cards when playing cribbage, I especially love their design. And if you don’t play cribbage you can always use these cards for other games, such as go fish, hearts, euchre, or crazy eights.
1 Deck $6.99 $5.59
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4 Decks $27.96 $24.99
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Ken & Mally's Family Cookbook
This cookbook is filled with recipes to make our favorite foods from Australia. I’m a bit biased about this cookbook because these are all recipes our family used in Australia. And these are all some of my favorite foods. So there's no doubt these are the best recipes in the world! As a family, we love the opportunity to share some of our favorite foods with you. And just wait until you make and try Mally’s raspberry trifle, your taste buds will thank you!
Softcover $9.99 $7.99
The Lie: Evolution/Millions of Years
This is the book that started it all in 1987 (35 years ago). The message of The Lie is the message of AiG and why we even exist! It is the message God has laid on our hearts to bring before the church! It is a vital message for our time. This version of the book was updated in 2012 (hard to believe that even the update was 10 years ago) and the message is just as relevant now as it was back in 1987. Mally had some thoughts to share on The Lie:
“For me, the book The Lie (which has been updated over the years) is my favorite resource because it was the first book my husband wrote that deals with what we call ‘The Relevance of Creation’ message that is and always has been the main message of the ministry. This book was written in 1986 and published in 1987, and its message is timeless because God’s Word doesn’t change and the message of Genesis 1-11 as the foundation for all doctrine will never change.”
$13.99 Softcover $11.19
D is for Dinosaur
D is for Dinosaur is the biblical A to Z book your child will be drawn to again and again. Written by Mally and I, it was our first children’s book. Starting with the creation of the universe it then covers the creation of the dinosaurs, the fall, the flood, the surviving dinosaurs on Noah’s ark, explains how dinosaurs didn’t live millions of years ago, and of course offers the good news of the gospel!
Hardcover $16.99 $11.99
A is for Adam
Co-written with Mally, A is for Adam teaches the bible chronologically, helping young children learn the timeline of history beginning with creation and ending with the new heavens and new earth. The A-Z rhymes with full-color illustrations make this book fun to read and presents a clear gospel message.
Hardcover $16.99 $11.99
The New Answers Book 1
Sometimes it’s hard to pick a favorite, and that is the case here. I love all of our New Answers Books, but the first one got it started and covers some of the (still) most-asked questions we receive as a ministry (like “Cain’s Wife—Who Was She?” and “Are There Really Different Races?”). This book, with many talented authors in diverse fields, answers questions about everything from theology to astronomy and tackles issues like catastrophic plate tectonics during the flood, the ice age and archeology supporting Scripture. This is a must-have book on your Christian apologetics bookshelf!
Softcover $14.99 $9.59
Creation to Babel
This devotional commentary answers so many of the questions I’ve been asked over 40 years of ministry. It’s a great way for families to study God’s Word, find answers to objections to the truth of God’s Word as they arise, see Jesus and the gospel in Genesis, and reflect on the character of God together. Trust me, you’ve never read a Genesis commentary like this before!
Softcover $21.99 $17.59
Buddy Davis: Creation Musical Adventures
Now it’s no big secret that I’ve been a big fan of Buddy’s music over the years. I don’t know how many times I’ve found myself humming one of the tunes on these CD’s (or MP3 download). Some of the themes have even appeared in my presentations (like “Billions of dead things” and “It’s designed to do”). God’s Word can be trusted, and the gospel message is the best news anyone can hear and believe. That is the emphasis of Buddy’s toe-tapping and soul-stirring music.
CD $91.97 $15.99
Ark Giraffe Plush Family Pack
George, Gloria, Gracie, and Junior are the Ark Encounter's fun-loving giraffe mascots and I know you’ll love having them in your home too! Rather than mocking Scripture like the skeptics do when they have giraffes poking their heads out of the roof of fairy-tale arks, our giraffes are amazed at the immense size of the ark, and they love to visit the Ark Encounter. These giraffes don’t stick their necks out for fairy tales, but they do stand tall on Scripture!
Medium $93.96 $89
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Large $123.96 $99
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One Race, One Blood
Coauthored with my friend Dr. Charles Ware, this book looks at the origin of people groups (there is only one race), the genetics of skin color, and biblical truths on “interracial” marriage. This fascinating book explores racism and its roots to find the true solution in the Bible—one that resolves this issue in the hearts of mankind. This is a powerful and eye-opening book that I feel is needed even more today with all the “racial” unrest we are seeing in society.
Softcover $13.99 $11.19
Death, Suffering, and Playing God
My late friend and cribbage opponent Dr. Tommy Mitchell visited Southern Mississippi in 2005 shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit the area causing many deaths, massive destruction, and forced relocation of much of the areas’ residents. This was Tommy’s first AiG “event” and with his genuine kindness and empathetic nature, he became the go-to guy to lecture on “Why does God allow death and suffering”? Then Tommy released a DVD which features two lectures on “death and suffering” and “sanctity of life–suicide and euthanasia”. Tommy handles each subject sensitively and gracefully, responding with the truth of Scripture and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
DVD $14.99 $11.99
So there you have it, some of Ken and Mally’s favorite resources. Be sure to check them out and use code MEMORIAL22 in your cart to save 20% storewide through May 31, 2022.
Excludes case lots, gift cards, giraffes, cribbage boards, Buddy Davis USBs, and already discounted packs. Expires May 31, 2022.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.