Answers for Pastors DVD Combo

List Price: $38.97
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2019
  • ID: 1003704
  • SKU: 90-7-957
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Hear from Ken Ham and Dr. John MacArthur as they inspire and teach hundreds of pastors at the Answers for Pastors Conference.

What’s Included $39 value

  • DVD Gospel Reset: DVD

    Ken Ham teaches from Acts 2 and Acts 17 at the Answers for Pastors conference. Discover how to be more effective in reaching the lost with the truth of the gospel!

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  • The Clarity of Scripture

    Ken Ham inspires hundreds of pastors with a message that is left out of far too many pulpits: the clarity of Scripture and the relevance of Genesis.

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  • Sufficiency of Scripture

    This practical and much-needed message powerfully shows Christians that the Bible is God’s clear, perfect, and true Word that is sufficient for us.

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