Much of the church has compromised God’s Word with man’s ideas, generations don’t understand how to think biblically, and Christians struggle to share the gospel in our increasingly secular world. Get equipped to stand boldly for truth, and communicate and pass on a biblical worldview to your family and church, with this three-book set from Ken Ham.
Ken Ham is the CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis, the highly-acclaimed Creation Museum, and the world-renowned Ark Encounter. As one of the top apologetics speakers in North America, he is known for his uncompromising stand on biblical authority, in particular, the foundational book of Genesis and its faith-building significance for today.
Gospel Reset: Salvation
Effectively share the gospel in a way that actually makes sense to a skeptical generation.
Will They Stand: Discipleship
Popular culture fights for your child's soul - have you equipped them to win with faith?
Divided Nation: Truth
Man's truth or God's truth? Go beyond chaos and confusion to discover enduring faith.