Ken & Mally's Family Cookbook

Aussie Family Recipes

Written by Mally Ham and Kristel Ham
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  • Format: Saddlestitched
  • Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
  • Length: 71 pages
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2021
  • ID: 1005408
  • SKU: 10-4-430
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Host a "down under" night! This cookbook is filled with recipes to make Ken and Mally's favorite foods from Australia. Enjoy—well, after you use the recipes to make them of course.


About Mally Ham

Mally’s true loves are obvious after just a few minutes of conversation—she loves her husband (whom she describes as “a big softie who would do anything for me and the kids—if he could possibly do it, he would do it”), her five children, her many grandchildren, and, above all else, her Lord and his Word.

Raising five children with a husband who was frequently gone had its challenges, and the whole family sacrificed for the AiG ministry to be what it is. But it had its positives as well. The Ham children grew up knowing many great theologians and scientists who loved God and believed his Word. They watched both their mother and father stand solidly on the Word of God, never wavering. They saw (and continue to see) God provide for their needs and bring them through many “Red Sea” events.

Mally believes their stand on God’s Word has impacted her children greatly and is a big reason why all five love and serve the Lord today. Mothers, she says, should realize that the “most important thing for a mom to focus on is allowing God’s Word to saturate every part of your kids’ thinking. That has to be first and foremost.”


This cookbook is very biased! It's biased because these are all recipes our family used in Australia. It's biased because these are all some of my favorite foods. And it's biased because there's no doubt these are the best recipes in the world! As a family, we love the opportunity to share some of our favorite foods with you. Enjoy—well, after you use the recipes to make them of course.

—Ken Ham, CEO and Founder, Answers in Genesis

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