Dinosaurs: Stars of the Show

Written by Amie Zordel; Illustrated by Joanna Borrero
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  • Format: Hardcover
  • Dimensions: 8" x 10"
  • Length: 24 pages
  • Technicality: Children
  • Ages: 11 and under
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2008
  • ID: 1000272
  • SKU: 10-1-368
  • ISBN: 9780890515464
  • UPC:

The objects of fascination for almost every child, dinosaurs take center stage in this delightful book. With beautiful illustrations that enhance rhyming text, both boys and girls will love this charming and imaginative story!


A dinosaur book that not just boys will love, so will girls!

Roll out the red carpet, the stars of the show are about to arrive! The objects of fascination for almost every child, dinosaurs take center stage in this delightful book by author Amie Zordel. When a Saturday-morning program on dinosaurs and millions of years creates an opportunity for one young viewer to stand up and proudly showcase her faith in the Bible, a positive and encouraging storyline unfolds that teaches kids the true account of dinosaurs as found in the Bible. With beautiful illustrations that enhance rhyming text, this is a charming and imaginative story that kids will love!

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Amie Zordel

Joanna Borrero

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