Uncovering the Real Nativity

Rediscover History

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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions: 3.5" x 5.5"
  • Length: 32 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2010
  • ID: 1000391
  • SKU: 90-7-554
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Does the Bible say that Mary and Joseph spent the night in a stable? What is a “kataluma?” The answers are inside this easy-to-read booklet! Great to share with family, neighbors and friends!


Does the Bible actually say that? The answers are inside!

Christmas is a favorite time of year for many. It's a season full of joyful celebration and family traditions. But are all of the “staple” elements we ascribe to Christmas truly Biblical? This wonderful little booklet will look at questions like:

Does the Bible say that Mary and Joseph spent the night in a stable? Was Mary in labor when she arrived in Bethlehem? What is a “kataluma?” Does the Bible mention an innkeeper? How many wisemen were there? The answers are inside this easy-to-read booklet! Great to share with family, neighbors and friends!

Inside this booklet:

  • Christmas Tradition
  • Archaeology and the Bible
  • Back to the Bible
  • No Room in the Inn
  • The Guest Room (Kataluma)
  • The Manger
  • What about the Wisemen?
  • Putting it all Together
  • The Problem
  • God's Solution
  • The Shepherds
  • A New Tradition
  • The Good News

This shirt-pocket size 32 page booklet is an excellent tract or witnessing tool.

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