Dr. Jeanson has found the Rosetta Stone of human history. The secrets this genetic research is uncovering are fascinating, revolutionary, and, most importantly, only possible because Dr. Jeanson starts with the true history of the world given in God’s Word. Yes, creation science makes testable predictions, and you will be blown away by how stunningly the science confirms God’s Word from the very first verse.
—Ken Ham, CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis
. . . a profoundly intriguing book. It throws a new light on ancient history and will leave the reader eager to learn more.
—Steven E. Woodworth, PhD, Professor of History, Texas Christian University
Jeanson will take you on a tour of human history like you have never seen before.
—Joe Owen, Director, Answers in Genesis Latin America
. . . will be a valuable resource in helping your children answer the questions that most history books don’t cover.
—Simon Turpin, Executive Director for Answers in Genesis UK/Europe
. . . pulls the curtain back further on the mystery of early human history using genetics, history, and linguistics . . . goes a long way toward
reconstructing the origins of the human family.
—Les Bruce, PhD, retired research specialist, Summer Institute of Linguistics International