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The Gender & Marriage War, Fault Lines, & Christianity and Wokeness

List Price: $69.97
$46.99 Sale
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Published: 2021
  • ID: 1005918
  • SKU: 91-7-074
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

This three book value pack will equip you and your church leaders with answers from the Word of God to address social issues of today.

What’s Included $70 value

  • Fault Lines

    Voddie Baucham, a preacher, professor, and cultural apologist, explains the sinister worldview behind the social justice movement and critical race theory.

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  • Christianity and Wokeness

    As Owen Strachan traces the origins of wokeness, lays out its premises, and follows them to their logical conclusions, the contrast of that false faith with the Word of God stands out unmistakably.

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  • Softcover The Gender & Marriage War: Softcover

    Address the gender and marriage issues head on! This book, using God’s Word as the absolute standard for morality, addresses many tough questions and topics surrounding the gender and homosexual revolution that is unfolding in our society.

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