Ken Ham’s Creation Mini-Series (Spanish)

Written by Ken Ham
List Price: $39.99
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  • Format: DVD Set
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2007
  • ID: 1000160
  • SKU: 80-1-037
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Filmed in Mexico, Ken Ham shares helpful insights on the challenges facing the world. This hard-hitting video series—including “Learning to Think Biblically” and “The Origin of Races”—addresses questions on everyone’s mind.

What’s Included $60 value


Ken Ham’s top talks now in Spanish!

Filmed in Mexico, Ken Ham shares helpful insights on the challenges facing the world. This hard-hitting video series addresses questions on everyone’s mind. With “voice over” translations, these six DVDs are superb for Spanish-speakers and for all who want to study or better understand the Spanish language. Ideal for classrooms, Sunday schools, and Bible studies, each challenging talk features Ken Ham’s humor and trademark illustrations.

La Miniserie de la Creación con Ken Ham

Aprende respuestas bíblicas a los problemas que enfrentamos hoy, con el orador internacional y director de Answers in Genesis (Respuestas en Génesis), Ken Ham. En esta serie de DVDs, filmada en Saltillo, Coahuila (México), Ken te enseñará a pensar bíblicamente, y no como el mundo piensa. Te enseñará lo que la Biblia dice en cuanto a cómo criar hijos piadosos y cómo tomar una posición firme sobre la autoridad e infalibilidad de las Escrituras.

¿Qué dice la Biblia acerca de la edad del universo y los dinosaurios? Ken te enseña esto también, y de más importancia te enseña cuál es la clave para reestructurar tu familia sobre bases bíblicas. Únete con Ken mientras él desafía nuestra cultura para la gloria de Dios. Como cristianos somos llamados a estar “siempre preparados para presentar defensa con mansedumbre y reverencia ante todo el que os demande razón de la esperanza que hay en vosotros” (1 Pedro 3:15). Esta serie en video te preparará para hacerlo.

Este conjunto de 6 DVDES incluye

  • La Familia de Genesis: La Crianza de Hijos Piadosos en un Mundo Impío
  • Aprendiendo a Pensar Bíblicamente
  • ¿Seis Días o Millones de Años?
  • Génesis: Clave Para la Reconstrucción en la Familia y la Cultura
  • El Origen de las Razas
  • Dinosaurios y la Biblia

La traducción por Darrell Clingan. (Conjunto de 6 DVDES. Edades 12–Adulto.)

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Ken Ham

Ken Ham

Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed {% get_urls 19875 alt="Creation Museum" %} and the internationally known {% get_urls 17955 alt="Ark Encounter" %}, which features a life-size 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark—sometimes described as the “8th Wonder of the Modern World.” Each year, the two attractions host over 1.5 million guests.

A much-in-demand Christian speaker and interview guest, Ham became well known throughout America for his 2014 evolution/creation debate with Bill Nye, TV’s “The Science Guy.”

Ham hosts the daily radio program Answers, now on 1,000 stations. He’s also the founder of the award-winning Answers magazine. In 2020, Ham launched Answers TV, an ambitious streaming service. His website of has twice won the top award from the National Religious Broadcasters for best website.

A prolific blogger and author of more than 30 books, Ham’s newest releases are Divine Dilemma (understanding death, disease, and suffering), Divided Nation (about today’s culture wars), and the devotional commentary Creation to Babel.

Ken and his wife, Mally, have five children, many grandchildren, and a great-grandchild and reside in Northern Kentucky.

Read more about Ken below.


Absolutely . . . credible. Totally . . . believable. How did they get a translator who’s voice fits the face of (Abe) Ken. Mexican DVD series is great. Thank you.

—Samuel B., Argentina

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