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Dr. Georgia Purdom shares the history of eugenics (being well-born) and helps us understand its foundation in evolution and its practical outcomes seen in abortion, sterilization, and restriction laws. We must understand this history to confront new methods that are being used to accomplish eugenic goals in the present.
You can join the 2018 Answers for Women conference, Life: Contending for Life from Beginning to End with these audio recordings of the event. Scripture is replete with commands to care for and give justice to the oppressed and the vulnerable. And the most vulnerable in our society today are the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly. Our culture is increasingly devaluing human life, putting the lives of precious humans, made in the image of God, at risk. Get equipped to contend for life!
See all 2018 Answers for Women topics and speakers.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.