Adoption—More “Trauma” Than Abortion?

Adoptee describes adoption as “traumatic” and ignores the fact that abortion murders unborn children.

by Ken Ham on December 16, 2021
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

A truly revolting article from a Democratic digital specialist and adoptee appeared recently in The New York Times. Titled “I Was Adopted. I Know the Trauma It Can Inflict,” the article tried to make the point that adoption can be traumatic, both for the birth mother and the child, and therefore it’s not an “easy” alternative to abortion. But the opinion piece pointedly ignored a glaring issue: the horrendous, life-ending trauma inflicted on an unborn baby who is murdered during an abortion!

Adoption—An “Easy” Choice?

The article alludes to the oral arguments made recently in the US Supreme Court regarding abortion (arguments that may overturn the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 that legalized abortion) but focuses on comments made by adoptive mother Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who reportedly asked Why was abortion necessary, when women who do not want to be mothers can simply give their babies up for adoption?

The author of the NYT article, Elizabeth Spiers, writes,

As an adoptee myself, I was floored by Justice Barrett’s assumption that adoption is an accessible and desirable alternative for women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. She may not realize it, but what she is suggesting is that women don’t need access to abortion because they can simply go do a thing that is infinitely more difficult, expensive, dangerous and potentially traumatic than terminating a pregnancy during its early stages.

As an adoptive mother herself, Justice Barrett should have some inkling of the complexities of adoption and the toll it can inflict on children, as well as birth mothers.

Now, adoption certainly is a complex choice that has lifelong consequences for both the mother and the child—I don’t think anyone would deny that or assume it’s a flippant and easy choice. It’s only because of sin and a broken, groaning creation (Genesis 3) that adoption is necessary. But the Bible implies adoption is a good thing in a fallen world—not an evil! Indeed, we are described as being adopted into the family of God by the Savior himself (Galatians 4:5–7). When we adopt, we are reflecting the heart of our Heavenly Father (Psalm 27:10; John 14:18; James 1:27).

More Traumatic Than Death?

Now Spiers said that adoption is “infinitely more difficult, expensive, dangerous and potentially traumatic than terminating a pregnancy during its early stages.” What an evil thing to write!

Now Spiers said that adoption is “infinitely more difficult, expensive, dangerous and potentially traumatic than terminating a pregnancy during its early stages.” What an evil thing to write! A successful abortion—at any stage of pregnancy—kills an unborn baby. A human being dies in the early stages by means such as starvation, as abortion pills cut off the baby’s nutrient supply. In later stages, injections stop a baby’s heart, or he or she is pulled to pieces by an abortionist’s tools. What could be more “difficult . . . dangerous and . . . traumatic” than violent murder? And as I’ve said many times, it’s actually a form of child sacrifice.

Anti-Biblical and Anti-Science

Throughout her article, Spiers is utterly heartless towards unborn children (referring to them as “an embryo” or a “lump of cells” that are “relinquish[ed]” in an abortion), at least until that child reaches an arbitrary point of development where Spiers suddenly deems him or her as having “develop[ed] into a living, breathing, conscious human.”

But this is both anti-biblical and anti-science. From the moment of fertilization, you have a unique combination of information, half from mom and half from dad, that has never been seen before and never will be seen again. He or she is a unique individual, made in God’s image, from that very moment, who will continue to grow and develop over the course of his or her lifetime! Preborn babies are no less human than a newborn, a toddler, or a teenager!

Think about it: is a newborn less of a human because they haven’t reached the developmental stage of being able to talk? Of course not! And an embryo is not less human because of not reaching the developmental stage of having a heartbeat or the ability to kick mom and make his or her presence known. A baby is a person from the very moment of fertilization.

Spiers also completely ignores research showing that many women regret their decision of having an abortion, and the majority felt pressured into having one in the first place! If she’s concerned about trauma towards women and children, she should be solidly and passionately against abortion, which ends a human life and often inflicts trauma on the mother.

Christ Is the Ultimate Answer to Pain and Trauma

It’s worth noting that the pain, brokenness, and heartache that can result from adoption and abortion can be healed by the Great Physician, our Savior, the Lord Jesus. When we turn to Christ in repentance and faith, he forgives our sins and grants us new and eternal life. We become adopted into his family, loved by him, and lavished with mercy and grace. Our past sins are covered by his blood, and he remembers them no more.

Of course, sin still has consequences. But his grace is sufficient for binding our wounds, and God is near to the brokenhearted. The gospel is the answer that adopted children and mothers and fathers who chose adoption or abortion need to hear! And, praise the Lord, thousands of pregnancy care centers are proclaiming this very message every single day with post-abortive and adoptive counseling services.

An Unselfish Gift of Life

Brokenness and pain are realities in our sin-cursed world, and killing a child doesn’t somehow help erase that.

Yes, adoption can be traumatic and is a complex decision that, in a fallen world, some parents must make. But, if it’s truly the best option, it’s a sacrifice on the part of the parent(s) that is worth making because a child is worth it! That child is a person, made in God’s image and loved by him, and their life is worth preserving, even if that must mean an extremely painful separation to a new family or even to the foster care system. Brokenness and pain are realities in our sin-cursed world, and killing a child doesn’t somehow help erase that. Instead, adoption is a hard but often unselfish option that preserves the life of the child and, in many cases, brings great joy to an adoptive family and the child as he or she grows.

Spiers says adoption is “a complicated choice in a situation that has no right or wrong answer.” But she’s wrong. There is a “right or wrong answer.” Abortion is always wrong because murder is always wrong—and should never even be considered as an option. Each person has a right to life given to them by the One who created them in his image.

Get More Answers on Answers News

This item was discussed yesterday on Answers News with cohosts Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Patricia Engler, and Bryan Osborne. Answers News is our twice-weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience and broadcast on my Facebook page and the Answers in Genesis Facebook page. We also covered the following topics:

  • Do variations in earth’s orbit impact evolution?
  • New hominin discovered that walked with Lucy?
  • What’s a “suicide capsule”?
  • And more!

Watch the entire episode of Answers News for December 15, 2021.

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s Avery Foley.

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