Life Changed by the ‘One Blood’ Message

on July 18, 2003
Featured in Feedback

“My attitude towards myself has changed because of reading this website.”

Dear Mstr.Ham and AIG:

I am 29 American woman who happened to see an AIG video on Cablevision Public Access. I visited this website because of what Ken Ham said about race. Living in this country as the daughter of a Italian caucasian man and a West Indian woman of black-mixed descent has been very hard for me. I have not always been happy to have the parents I have. Sometimes I have wanted to kill myself over it. I thought God made a mistake to be truthful, because other people said I was a mistake. My attitude towards myself has changed because of reading this website. I've taken the liberty of forwarding it to a few friends,and a popular interracial family website.

Thank You Very Much,
Renee from America


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