AiG Encourages Its Supporters to Reach Out and Help Victims of Hurricane Katrina

by Ken Ham

While AiG is not set up as a relief agency, we do work closely with like-minded Christian ministries who are active and effective in relief work. One such ministry is Gospel Literature Services (GLS),

As an apologetics organization, AiG attempts to reach out to Christians and non-Christians with the message of the accuracy and authority of God’s Word and also to proclaim the gospel—to see souls saved for eternity. The same Bible that AiG uncompromisingly stands upon also instructs us to help the poor and the needy (Matthew 5:7; Matthew 22:36–39; Romans 12:15; Galatians 6:2; Job 6:14).

While AiG is not set up as a relief agency, we do work closely with like-minded Christian ministries who are active and effective in relief work. One such ministry is Gospel Literature Services (GLS) based in Chicago. The executive director of GLS, Dr. David Crandall, is on the advisory board for AiG’s Creation Museum, and his predecessor, Dr. Mark Jackson, is on the board of AiG. GLS supplies missionaries and churches around the world with free gospel literature and assists in major projects of relief and support during emergencies (e.g., last December’s tsunami in Asia, and now this devastating hurricane in America’s south).

There are no administrative fees taken out of gifts sent to GLS for its relief projects (and never has been), as is true with many organizations. So “dollar given … dollar goes.”

Just as AiG encouraged you nine months ago to donate through GLS to help the victims of the tsunami, this time we ask you to do so again for another disaster. I wholeheartedly support the relief effort of GLS, and my wife and I will personally be donating through GLS. In addition, AiG, as a ministry, will also be helping financially and in other ways (e.g., we’ve already provided witnessing booklets to a trucking company that is donating its hauling services for Katrina relief). I encourage each one of you who supports AiG to do so as well. Here is the link to GLS.

We all need to pray that during this challenging time, not only the people of the Gulf Coast but the entire nation of America will be brought to its knees in acknowledging our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ken Ham
President of AiG–USA


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