Kicking off the new year right, a new VBS curriculum, riddles of ancient Egypt, and more!
It’s that time of year: everyone is busy telling themselves that they’re going to lose weight, stick to a budget, keep the house cleaner, or write a best-selling novel in the coming year. What about keeping up with your study of God’s Word? Is now the time to resolve to stick with—or get back to—daily Bible study? We’re happy to announce that we have just the thing to help you do that.
AiG friend Larry Pierce—who’s behind the Online Bible software and translated James Ussher’s The Annals of the World into modern English—and his wife, Marion, have been hard at work on another project: modernizing the English and digitizing the sermons of Charles Spurgeon, the “prince of preachers.”
We’re going to begin running the series in a “sermon of the day” format, complementary to his Morning and Evening daily devotional series that we already have. So now there’s even less of an excuse (not that there ever was one!) to meditate on God’s Word each day. The series will also be available through RSS, of course.
Check back toward the end of the month when we’ll post the first sermon, and see how those words—in modern translation—make an impact on your day. We hope and pray you’ll return again and again and find each new sermon a great blessing. Happy new year!
Attention all children, parents, church youth workers, and VBS volunteers: now is the time to get started with Vacation Bible School 2009 planning—and why not let us help?
Operation Space will answer questions many eager young minds no doubt have: Why are people searching for life in outer space? Did meteorites kill the dinosaurs? What’s the difference between astrology and astronomy? Youth will also go through “BASIC training,” learning that the Bible is the Book of books, the Absolute authority, the Salvation story with Incredible impact—and then taking the Cadet challenge to read and study the Bible daily.
If you’re involved in your church’s VBS planning, please take the time to visit and read about the two VBS curricula we have to offer, complete with video previews, reviews, FAQs, and more! And if you like what you see, please prayerfully consider using the new Operation Space (or the successful Amazon Expedition) VBS this summer!
A.T. from Charles Town, West Virginia, writes to ask:
I’m in contact with a young man that believes Egyptian writtings on the walls of pyramids predate the Bible and the complete Biblical writtings can be found on the walls long before any events ever took place in history. All the stories and events in every book of the bible can be found on this walls centuries before the events, he says. Where can this info be found and best way to refute it.
Did Egyptian civilization predate the Bible? Let’s take a look at what we have on the subject.
Hopefully that not only gives you some resources in your discussion, A.T., but also gives a good example of how to go about searching our site for answers!
Have a question for InSite? Let us know! (Be sure to mention that your question is intended for InSite.)
Answers in Genesis finished out 2008 with a total of 27,526,263 pageviews for the year. How many were yours?
InSite is a monthly feature of Answers in Genesis that covers new features and content—as well as other useful tools and resources—on Written by the web team itself, InSite offers a bit of insight into the web philosophy and projects of the Answers in Genesis Internet Outreach department. Have a suggestion or other feedback about how our website works? Let us know! Miss out on last month’s edition of InSite? Take a look now!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.