Although what God has done through the Lord Jesus Christ gives us the reason to be joyful always, do you also fear God in light of Christ’s birth?
The deity of Jesus (the assertion that He is both God and man) is so vital to the gospel that, if not true, there is no hope for salvation.
If virgin birth is possible, does that mean Jesus was no “miracle baby”?
When we think of the place where Jesus was born, we naturally picture a stable or barn. But is that what the Bible says?
A reader asks us to help clear up the matter of Jesus’s lineage. Could he truly be the heir to David’s throne? Paul Taylor, AiG–UK, examines the evidence.
A Kingship must be descendant from bloodline not adoption. An adopted son can inherit possessions, but not a Throne.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.