Originally published in Creation 2, no 4 (October 1979): 4-8.
The concept of coal formed slowly in swamps is widespread and intimately associated with evolutionary geology.
Many professional coal geologists are prepared to concede that some coal deposits are better explained as flood deposits. The majority of those outside the coal industry, both scientists and nonscientists are still convinced that coal only forms slowly in swamps, and dismiss as cranks any who claim that coal can be formed in any other way. The Biblical picture of world history indicates that the first massive fossiliferous sediments were the product of the Flood in Noah’s day. Since coal is obviously a fossil deposit (plant materials) the Biblical picture implies that many coal deposits should have been flood formed. The observations which follow should be most useful for those whose claim that coal can be formed in flood deposits is ignored or belittled.
To gain most from this article read it as follows:
A detrital or flood origin for this coal is suggested by the following:
1. Coal which has been pushed into a fracture is unlikely to possess bedding planes. Such bedding planes indicate the coal was laid with the sediment.
2. Sand is deposited from water which has a moderate speed, therefore this coal does not represent swamp deposit.
3. Many of the coal forks had bedding parallel to the forks. This was unlikely to result if the coal was pushed into fractures. Some forks however showed evidence of being squashed along fractures.
4. This is one of the most significant evidences that the coal is detrital. Coal formed by the slow swamp method should be parallel to the bedding even if the beds are distorted.
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