The media’s rush last spring to make Caitlyn Jenner a transgender hero underscored the radical moral shift in Western culture. As our society celebrates each new form of “liberation,” every one of us will probably interact with a Caitlyn sooner or later—whether at work or even at home. How should we respond?
Consider one simple example. Can a Christian call transgender friends and acquaintances by their “new” names without encouraging their sin, or should we insist on their birth names to emphasize God’s plan for gender? My answer is simply yes.
First, it helps to remember that using a given name does not necessarily imply agreement with the name’s intended meaning. If environmentalists name their son “Forrest,” calling the child by name is not necessarily an endorsement of his parents’ environmental views.
Similarly, using a transgender person’s
chosen name does not necessarily
imply agreement with the transgender
movement. Romans 12:18 says, “If it is
possible, as much as depends on you,
live peaceably with all men.
” One way
to do that is to greet members of the
transgender community by their new
names, especially in cases where no
previous relationship exists.
A believer’s primary aim is not to win an argument on sexuality, but to win others to Jesus. If using their birth names places a stumbling block in the way of the gospel, we should avoid such offense in order to gain a hearing.
Nevertheless, using a new transgender name is not always wise. This is especially true in situations where a previous relationship exists. If a family member, friend, or coworker undergoes sex-reassignment surgery, it may be very difficult to call him or her by a new name and maintain a strong Christian witness. The key distinction is whether the transgender person will view our use of the new name as a tacit endorsement of a sinful lifestyle.
In such cases we should do everything
we can to lovingly but firmly convince
a transgender person that his or
her actions are ultimately self-destructive
and harmful. Many times this
may mean refusing to use a new name.
Proverbs 27:6 says, “Faithful are the
wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an
enemy are deceitful.
” When we speak
the truth in love, our goal is to emphasize
the beauty and blessing of God’s
design, and ultimately the gospel.
So we have a choice to make. No matter which way we decide, however, we must remember that our friend’s greatest need is not a new name, but a new heart.
Dr. Mohler helps Christians understand the underlying issues of this cultural shift and how to face the challenge of believing faithfully, living faithfully, and engaging the culture faithfully in light of this massive change.
The authors challenge misconceptions on all sides as they unpack the concepts of same-sex orientation, temptation, and desire. They show that ultimately a biblical view gives hope for profound personal change, with patterns remolded and rethought in faithfulness to Christ.
Discover the role of ancient Near Eastern writings in understanding Scripture and learn about some exotic animals that can only be explained by a Creator.
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