Legacy Match Challenge

image showing a varity of photos featuring new projects happening at AiG

Legacy Match Challenge

Maximize Your Impact!

A generous foundation has made a $1,000,000 matching legacy gift challenge to encourage AiG supporters to designate the ministry in their estate/future legacy gift plans. Each future legacy gift commitment will generate an immediate matching cash donation to AiG equal to 10% of the estimated future gift value (up to a $10,000 match per legacy gift) from the foundation while the matching funds last. So you can help AiG now and in the future . . . at no cost to you today!

Here are a few easy ways to make a future legacy gift:

  1. Make a gift (“bequest”) to AiG through your will or living trust
  2. Designate AiG as a beneficiary of:
    • Retirement plan(s)
    • IRAs
    • Life insurance
    • POD/TOD accounts
    • DAF remainder beneficiary
    • Other financial accounts
  3. Life-income gifts, such as charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts
  4. Increase your existing future legacy gift (the increased value will count towards the match)

Answers in Genesis directly impacts tens of millions annually, and we have many plans to reach even more people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. This is a great opportunity to fund many impactful projects now and into the future. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you might partner with us through this opportunity.

Legacy Gift Example

Confirm Your Legacy Gift

Legacy Gift Form

We have a number of FREE resources available to assist you with your legacy planning—as well as information about free and low-cost document preparation options. If you have questions about this new matching opportunity or planning your legacy, please call (859) 727-5455 or email plannedgiving@answersingenesis.org.

Financial Accountability

ECFAC Excellence in Giving


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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

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