Twitter Bans “Misgendering” and “Deadnaming”

by Ken Ham
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

One wonders if I’m going to be allowed to remain on Twitter anymore, as the platform is increasingly punishing those who dare to say anything against the current LGBT ideology. I certainly don’t attack a person, but we do judge their worldview against the clear teaching of Scripture. A recent news item reported that Twitter has updated its terms and user agreement to include a ban on “misgendering” and “deadnaming”—basically, refusing to allow Twitter users to make biologically—and biblically!—correct statements.

“Misgendering” refers to when someone uses the “wrong” pronoun to describe a transgender person (i.e., calling a biological male who identifies as female “he”). “Deadnaming” refers to using a transgender person’s birth name (i.e. calling well-known athlete Bruce Jenner “Bruce” instead of his preferred “Caitlyn”). And it’s not only that—one Twitter user claims she was banned for saying “men aren’t women, ”a biologically correct statement!

I often use Twitter to give a biblical perspective on various news items that deal with transgender and other LGBT issues. How long will it be before replying to an article with, “God created them male and female (Genesis 1:27)” is considered something worthy of being banned? It likely won’t be long.

I have some Christians wonder why I stay on social media when it is clearly determined to kill Christian and conservative speech. Well, as long as I am allowed to remain on Twitter and Facebook, I will use those platforms to help as many people as possible hear the truth from God’s Word. And when I am no longer permitted to use those social media platforms, I will turn to other avenues as we continue to do the Lord’s business until he comes.

...As long as I am allowed to remain on Twitter and Facebook, I will use those platforms to help as many people as possible hear the truth from God’s Word

Indeed, this crackdown on “politically incorrect” speak is one of the reasons we decided to host all of our video content (and the content to come) on, the leading faith and family video streaming service. We’re only going to continue to see Christian and conservative voices pushed off social media platforms for not agreeing with the status quo on various social issues (especially regarding LGBT and abortion). We believe hosting our material on will help protect it and increase our reach.

I encourage you to consider a subscription to to enjoy all of our content at no additional cost (for the price of about one DVD a month—the basic cost of a subscription to PureFlix and you can enjoy over 500 of our videos). Learn more, and try a month free, at

Get More Answers on Answers News

This item was discussed today on Answers News. It was a special episode featuring myself, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Bodie Hodge, and special guests: the directors of AiG’s international offices. We were joined by Calvin Smith, director of AiG–Canada, Joe Owen, director of AiG–Mexico, Simon Turpin, director of AiG–UK, and David Ham, director of AiG–Australia and New Zealand. Answers News is our twice-weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum and broadcast on my Facebook page and the Answers in Genesis Facebook page. We also discussed the following topics:

  • Feminist theologians create “Women’s Bible.”
  • Did prehistoric whales suck up their food?
  • A meteor may have wiped out Dead Sea communities.
  • And more!

Watch the entire episode of Answers News for December 6, 2018.

Be sure to join us each Monday and Thursday at 2 p.m. (EDT) on my Facebook page or the Answers in Genesis Facebook page for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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