Appalachian Bible College

“Because Life Is for Service” is more than ABC's motto; it is the evident passion integrated into every aspect of ministry preparation. Through quality biblical and theological classes, the development of Christlike character, and guided Christian service, Appalachian Bible College produces men and women who are trained to serve.
“Since the Creation Museum opened in 2007, Appalachian Bible College has appreciated and rejoiced in the great things God has been doing through AiG’s ministry. It’s our privilege to host AiG speakers and to see students and graduates go to work at such a like-minded organization. With our common uncompromising foundation of a biblical worldview, we look forward to more opportunities to partner with AiG in the future.”
– Caleb Frink, VP for Development, Appalachian Bible College

Bob Jones Univerity

At Bob Jones University, you’ll dive headfirst into your field, kickstart your career, and uncover the knowledge that books alone can’t teach you. You’ll develop your talents and skills—not just for yourself, but for something bigger. Driven by our unshakable faith in Christ and powered by experiential learning, BJU inspires and shapes students to lead lives of influence and purpose.
“Bob Jones University is grateful for and committed to the partnership we have with our friends at Answers in Genesis. We share a common burden, are committed to a common cause, and are invested in helping one another pursue and fulfill our unique missions for the glory of God. We are thrilled for the many mutual benefits we share in our ongoing partnership and are honored to be able to assist their staff in their continued growth through their educational pursuits.”
– Joe Henson III, Chief Relations Officer, Bob Jones University

Cedarville University

With graduate, undergraduate, and dual enrollment programs available, you don’t have to sacrifice academic quality to receive a truly Christian education at Cedarville University. You can have both! We will equip you as an outstanding professional who will use your in-demand skills and high Christian character to make a difference for Jesus Christ. When you graduate, you’ll be ready to go boldly wherever God leads.
“We are thrilled to partner with Answers in Genesis. There are very few institutions that believe in the six-day literal creation and contend for a biblical worldview beginning in Genesis as we both do. This preferred partnership furthers our shared mission for excellent education rooted in God’s Word.”
– Dr. Thomas White, Cedarville University President


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