UK Mega Conference: Mega Kids Extension and End of Early Bird Registration!

The UK Creation Mega Conference, now only a few months away (October 26–28), is a unique opportunity to hear some of the world's leading biblical creationists and apologists speak on the gospel, and topics of biblical authority, apologetics, biology, astronomy, geology, design, and how science confirms the truth of biblical history.

We are also delighted to partner once again with Tirzah Jones from Day One Youth Ministries to coordinate and lead our program for children aged 7–11. Due to demand, we have now made arrangements to have a different room for Mega Kids, which can hold up to 200 children! We can also now announce that John Mackay and Dr. Danny Faulkner will be giving special talks exclusively for Mega Kids on the topics of dinosaurs and astronomy. So don't let your children miss out! Book now for just £5 per child. Please note, other children and young people (18 and under) who are ineligible for Mega Kids (those age 5–11) are free to come but must register for their free conference ticket and be accompanied by an adult.

Given the secularisation and the decline of the church in the UK and Europe, this is a time for Christians to come together, get equipped, and learn how to defend the truth of the Christian faith.

Remember, the early bird discount (saving up to 20% off regular prices) ends on June 30. Book now so you don't miss out!

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