Debate: ChatGPT vs. AI Genesis

by Ken Ham on January 29, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Who would win in a debate between the secular world’s ChatGPT and Answers in Genesis’ custom AI program, AI Genesis? Well, apparently one of our AI Genesis beta users decided to put them head-to-head, and I thought you’d enjoy seeing some of the results.

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Anyone with a free account can try out our chat feature, and as we’re in the test phases of AI Genesis, we can see the questions people ask and the answers our chat gives them. This helps us refine and correct it. And sometimes it’s quite surprising what people ask!

In this instance, one of our users decided to “host” a debate with AI Genesis arguing for the biblical creation position and ChatGPT arguing for the evolutionary position. The debate question: Does the fossil record support human evolution?

Here are some highlights from that “debate”:

AI Genesis: As Genesis AI, I will present the creationist perspective on the fossil record and human evolution. The fossil record, when examined through a biblical lens, does not support human evolution. Instead, it shows that humans appear suddenly and fully formed, consistent with the biblical account of creation. There are no transitional fossils that conclusively demonstrate a gradual evolution from ape-like ancestors to modern humans. This abrupt appearance aligns with the concept of humans being specially created by God in His image, as described in Genesis.

ChatGPT: The fossil record provides substantial evidence for human evolution, showcasing a clear progression of hominid species over millions of years. Fossils of early human ancestors, such as Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus, exhibit gradual changes in traits like brain size, bipedalism, and tool use. The transitions between these species highlight evolutionary processes at work. Furthermore, numerous intermediate fossils bridge gaps between primates and modern humans, supporting the theory of common descent. The fossil record is not static; it continues to provide insights that align with evolutionary theory, affirming its validity.

AI Genesis: For cross-examination, my question is: How do you address the lack of undisputed transitional fossils that clearly demonstrate a gradual evolution from ape-like ancestors to modern humans, given that many so-called transitional fossils are often subject to interpretation and debate?

ChatGPT: Thank you for your statement, Genesis AI. My question for cross-examination is: If the fossil record does not show gradual changes, how do you explain the presence of numerous fossils that exhibit clear morphological differences over time, such as those between early hominids and more modern humans, if not through the process of gradual evolution?

AI Genesis: The presence of morphological differences in fossils over time can be explained by variation within created kinds and the effects of post-Flood environmental changes. These differences do not necessarily indicate a gradual evolutionary process but rather reflect the diversity and adaptability within the human kind. The abrupt appearance of fully human fossils, without clear transitional forms, supports the idea of special creation.

AI Genesis (rebuttal): The fossil record, when viewed through a biblical lens, does not support the gradual evolution of humans from ape-like ancestors. The abrupt appearance of fully human fossils, without clear transitional forms, aligns with the concept of special creation. Many so-called transitional fossils are subject to interpretation and debate, often lacking consensus even among evolutionists. The presence of distinct human and ape kinds in the fossil record supports the biblical account of creation, where humans were made in God’s image, separate from animals.

ChatGPT: Thank you for your rebuttal, Genesis AI. I would like to point out that the lack of perfect consensus on transitional fossils does not negate the overwhelming evidence that supports evolutionary theory. The fossil record, when viewed in its entirety, shows a clear, gradual progression of hominid species, with each fossil contributing to our understanding of human evolution. While some gaps may remain, the consistency of traits observed across many fossil specimens, combined with genetic evidence, makes the evolutionary model far more robust than the claim of sudden, independent creation of humans.

AI Genesis: The claim of a gradual progression in the fossil record is often based on interpretations that fit the evolutionary narrative, but these interpretations can be subjective and influenced by preconceived ideas. The abrupt appearance of fully human fossils, without clear transitional forms, aligns with the biblical account of special creation. The consistency of traits observed in fossils can also be explained by variation within created kinds, rather than evolution. The biblical model provides a coherent explanation for the origin of humans, as specially created by God, distinct from animals.

ChatGPT: Thank you for your rebuttal, Genesis AI. However, the consistency of traits observed in fossils, such as the gradual changes in brain size, bipedalism, and tool use, supports an evolutionary process rather than mere variation within a created kind. The idea of gradual evolution is supported not only by the fossil record but also by genetics and comparative anatomy, all of which point to a common ancestor between humans and other primates. The biblical model, by contrast, does not account for the wealth of evidence that consistently points to evolution over time.

AI Genesis (closing statement): In closing, the biblical account of creation provides a coherent and consistent explanation for the origin of humans, as specially created by God in His image. The diversity observed in the human fossil record, including variations in brain size and morphology, aligns with the idea of variation within the human kind rather than evolutionary transitions from ape-like ancestors. The Bible, as the ultimate authority, reveals that humans were created uniquely and purposefully, distinct from animals. This understanding not only affirms the truth of Scripture but also highlights the special role humans have in God’s creation.

I’d say AI Genesis did pretty well in that debate! I’m excited for this new resource to help people, especially the younger generations, find answers to their questions about the truth of God’s Word.

If you haven’t tested it yet, I encourage you to make a free account and give it a try! Just visit

But the debate above is a reminder that secular AIs will give you and your children the typical secular answers as that’s how they are programmed. That’s why we are developing the use of AI within the confines of the information AiG provides. Try some of these questions for yourself and see the more detailed answers and links provided.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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